Review Fix chats with SANSI’s Mike Bai, Chief Product Officer, who details their new lighting products and why they’ll make an immediate impact in your home.

Review Fix: What was the inspiration behind this product?
Mike Bai: We wanted to make a product that illuminated garages unlike any other lights out there. In the beginning it was about making something that came in handy while people were working in their garages at night. But after hearing consumers lament about old light bulbs dimming quickly or not illuminated the whole workspace, we set to work creating a product that was easy to use, easy to customize and provided the best lighting possible. So we developed our long and deformable lighting modules that allow consumers to strategically place the lights and form them to make sure that they’re reaching even the furthest corners of the room.
Review Fix: Who will get the most out of it?
Bai: These lights are perfect for anyone who is spending a significant amount of time in their garage, whether you’re fixing a car, doing the laundry, playing with your kids, doing housework.
Review Fix: What are your goals for it?
Bai: Our goal is to develop a full line of products based on the original structure of the deformable light. The structure of the light allows for a huge amount of possibilities in development—in future models, we plan to have the whole unit fold, rather than just the wings. Here are some demos of products our team is working on.
Review Fix: Any cool stories about the development process of this project?
Bai: When we were deciding on a final design for the lights, we joked around that they looked like the X-Wing Fighters from Star Wars. It brings an element of pop culture to a light bulb!
Review Fix: What’s next?
Bai: Expanding the product line to include new and different bulbs for different use cases.
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Bai: We really value our community and we constantly interact with our customers, gathering feedback and thoughts on how we can improve the bulbs. We’re using much of what we’re learning through our community to shape how we want to go with the company and how we want the next iteration of the bulbs to look.
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