Review Fix chats with Bowling For Soup frontman Jaret Reddick, who discusses the band’s decision to cover Blue October’s “HRSA†and more.
Review Fix: Why cover HRSA?
Jaret Reddick: We met Blue October many, many years ago. Both bands are from Texas. We played shows together (I have a great story about a Yogi Bear cookie jar that I will save for another time). Then toured together. Then ended up with the same management company, that we still both share. Most importantly, we became friends…Family if you will.
I always loved their music. But I think it was from as much of a curiosity standpoint, as it was just liking what I was hearing. And maybe that is why they are as successful as they are. The combination of both is something you just don’t find everywhere in music…Especially today.Â
You see, Justin, the singer/ songwriter, got committed. It is his story to tell, but I will say that there was a girl involved. And some back stabbing. And then substances, depression, custody battles, anxiety…sorry… The song “HRSA†is a true story. I think I was about 25 when I sat, sharing a bottle of Jack Daniels with Justin, in a shitty hotel room, while we were both on tour supporting Sponge (The USA one…Not the UK one…That is Spünge). I asked him about the man in the song. And the nuns that prayed for him. I listened to all of it and I was fucking fascinated! This was REAL! Like, REALLY real!
Review Fix: What do you think makes your version a special one?
Reddick: I don’t know if it is really special. But we kept to the basic structure of the song,…And the guitars sound incredible!
Review Fix: What does it feel like to be at the point in your career where you have the freedom to do cool covers like this?
Reddick: It isn’t just where our career is…It is where music is now. Content is king and people don’t give a shit about an entire CD anymore…So just being able to do a cover song and expose people to music they may not have heard before is super fun. I like where the industry is now.
Review Fix: What has the reception been like for the current tour?
Reddick: Unreal. Bigger numbers than we have done in 15 years. We are loving it!
Review Fix: Do you still get excited to tour?
Reddick: I do. I get anxious about missing my wife, kids and dogs…And my couch. But I love being with my boys and doing what we do.
Review Fix: What’s next for the band?
Reddick: More music! MUCH more music coming in 2020! In fact, I can’t even keep it straight! SO MUCH! And some shows!
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Reddick: Just a huge thank you for everyone that continues to support our band. 25 years is a long time, and we don’t take it for granted!
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