Review Fix chats with Livonia’s Rob Cone, who discusses the band’s origin, goals and plans for the future.
Review Fix: How did the project start?
Rob Cone: The project all started whilst we were working together in Soho. We all realised we liked the same music with the old ‘what band is that you’re listening to?’ call out in the office, which just became more and more frequent. We then went for a few beers and went to gigs together – then decided we wanted to make some music of our own!
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Cone: Usually the bulk of the writing is between myself and James who sings and writes the lyrics/melodies. It typically starts with one of us coming up with an idea on our own and then building it into a full song together. Then we take it to the other guys at practice and they make the parts their own and we tend to make changes as we go along.
Review Fix: What’s your standout song? How was it written?
Cone: I think our favourite song is ‘Talking’ which we released as our very first single. It talks about mental health and the importance of having friends around you and looking out for each other – which is extremely important these days.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2020?
Cone: Unfortunately we’ve had a few gigs cancelled so far due to the old Covid situation. We’re continuing to write through it so hopefully when this clears up we’ll be able to get out there and play some shiny new stuff for people and get recording. We recently had our debut EP released so we’re still buzzing about that to be honest!!
Review Fix: How do you want your music to affect people?
Cone: We want our music to be catchy and leave people singing parts of our songs over and over in their heads. Then hopefully people will re-listen to our tracks and perhaps read a bit more into the lyrics and understand that the things our songs are about are real. We’re constantly discovering new music and bands that we like and hope people are able to vibe and grow to love our music too!
Review Fix: What’s next?
Cone: We want to keep pushing our music out there, record some more and then hopefully go on tour at some point. If we could play a summer festival that would be amazing, although may not be possible this year!
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