Review Fix chats with Feedbelt’s Benjamin Heese, who discusses the device and why it’s more than a cool gadget to get the most out of your audio experience.
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Review Fix: What inspired this product?
Benjamin Heese: It was the lack of progress in speaker technology, that sparked the idea of “there has to be something else”. So we sat down, did our research, and this is what we came up with – a whole new dimension of sound.
Review Fix: Who will enjoy it the most?
Heese: Emotional people are the ones who will draw the most benefit out of this. May it be gaming, music or movies, if you enjoy it, the Feelbelt will amplify this joy.
Review Fix: Does it work with every console?
Heese: In general, yes. The “how to” varies from system to system, but as long as we can get the audio signal out of it, the Feelbelt will do its magic.
Review Fix: What’s the coolest use for it you’ve encountered so far?
Heese: I personally like first or third person games most. Racing or action games are my go to, and the Feelbelt provides an unheard level of immersion.
Review Fix: What are your goals for this product?
Heese: To push the boundaries of perception, and to amplify the personal experience of what people love to do.
Review Fix: How does it change the marketplace?
Heese: It opens not only a whole new world of emotions, but information, too. Content creators get a new playfield to enrich the stories they want to tell, or the information they have to transport. It’s a bit like the invention of the sound movie.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Heese: Whatever we find the next evolution. We already made the step from a “music only” device to a full range “do whatever you like” gadget, and we’ll happily take on every challenge that comes next.
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to say?
Heese: We’ve managed to reach our funding goal on kickstarter in only 48 hours! We would like to thank all current and future backers for their trust and support! Party on, dudes!
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