Review Fix chats with Tradmrkd’s Eddie Flinn, who discusses the band’s goals, creative process and more.
Review Fix: How did the project start?
Eddie Flinn: The band began as a muck about with three mates. Finlay and I were the original members with our mate playing drums and we were terrible. That is the whole point of starting a band, is to sound horrible. We decided we wanted to try and push the band further in 2018; so, we added to our line-up. Brining in Corey Finnie on guitar and James Riddoch on drums.
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Flinn: Right now, all the songs have been written by me. We do have some band songs in the works right now and they all came from us just jamming about and figuring out what sounds we like and what works.
Review Fix: What’s your standout song? How was it written?
Flinn: I would say that it is between Leanna and Pendulum. I would have to pick Pendulum. The song is about being really clumsy and trying to do the right thing but end up always making things worse. The song took all of 5 minutes to write but I had no intentions in sharing it because I thought it was no good. I stumbled across the riff when I played a C7 chord and an F. the song is so simple that, that is the whole song. Those two chords.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2020?
Flinn: Our main goal is to release an ep or an album. We have enough material for an album, but it makes more sense at this moment in time to release an ep. Playing more shows as well is a massive goal and gaining much more popularity.
Review Fix: How do you want your music to affect people?
Flinn: I would love for my music to have the ability of helping people through rough times in their life by giving them joy.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Flinn: There are a lot of projects with other bands in the works right now trying to figure out some logistics so exciting things coming up in the near future. Stay up to date with what is happening by following our socials.
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