Review Fix chats with Josh Evans, lead singer and rhythm guitarist from Alien Feelings, who discusses the band’s origins and goals for 2020 and more.
Review Fix: How did the project start?
Josh Evans: I’ve been a singer songwriter for the last ten years, performing up and down various local pubs and clubs. Recording my music from my phone and posting homemade music videos online. I knew I wanted to take it a step further, so I decided to get in touch with Dale seeing as we’re both musicians and he has a keen interest in recording and had recorded me a couple of times before. The plan was we were going to make my EP together, with Dale on various instruments and mixing. I went round to his home studio and we lay down a demo of “Good looking.†We loved it that much that we pretty much formed Alien feelings then and there. From there we recruited Ryan on lead guitar after he blew us away when we invited him over to play on another track called “Waiting for better days.†Tim followed shortly afterwards, never having played an instrument before. He’s a really quick learner, so we knew he’d catch on and he did.
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Evans: It’s difficult sometimes, because every time I write a song I wonder if it will be my last. I don’t like to force song writing, so I can get very depressed when I’m in between songs and I’ll beat myself up that I’m not good enough. But when it’s ready to happen it just happens and then some faith in my own abilities is restored temporarily until the cycle starts again. But I’m massively in love with music and writing and the whole thing just feels fucking amazing at times. My talent, or lack of according to some people, has always been my best friend, just there in the back of my mind helping me to express myself when I need to. It’s just that we don’t always get on. The bands creative process is a bit more straightforward. Either Dale or I will come to rehearsals with a new song and we’ll introduce it to the rest of the band, show everyone the chords etc. We then just keep running it until it’s tight as fuck, making changes if and when necessary. It’s a process that just keeps getting smoother each time we play together, it’s all down to chemistry I guess.
Review Fix: What’s your standout song? How was it written?
Evans: It’s hard to pick one really, we’ve got a really good set. But for the sake of this interview, we’ll go with “Good looking.†Simply because it’s got a roaring opening that instantly lets you know that rock and roll is not only alive and well but thriving, and it’s about to melt your face.
I wrote the song acoustically a couple of years back, when a friend of mine was trying his hardest to win the affections of a girl. He really liked her, or did at the time at least. But she thought she was better than him, lead him on, took advantage and fucked him about really. I made no conscious effort to write about his situation and there is little bits of me in there too. But I just remember singing “ooh la la la, she’s good looking.†And thinking yes, I’m writing that.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2020?
Evans: Honestly at this rate, just staying alive! The worlds crazy at the moment. I’d love for us to be able to get back to playing live by the end of the year, but I don’t know if that’s going to happen. It just all depends on the covid regulations here in Wales. So I suppose in the meantime we’re just going to be pushing our EP “Bondage and lipstick†as far as we possibly can, practicing often to make sure we stay on top of our game and writing new music.
Review Fix: How do you want your music to affect people?
Evans: Positively, I would hope. If any of our songs can make somebody’s day a little better, then that’s all we can ask for. Our music is to be enjoyed. We know how important music can be in the lives of our fellow weirdos, so we do it for them. But we ain’t got no time for bullies or tories, Fuck ‘em.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Evans: Already we’ve recorded the demos for our next EP and are waiting to record it with our label as soon as possible. But honestly, does anybody know what’s next? The future of the music industry is so uncertain at the moment, so we’re just rolling with the times like everyone else.
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