God of War: Fallen God #1 Review: Excellent

One of the themes found in the “God of War” series is destiny. Mostly it has to do with Kratos not being able to escape his destiny no matter what he does. “God of War: Fallen God” by Chris Roberson with artists Tony Parker and Dan Jackson continues this theme.

Kratos has thrown away the Blades of Chaos and is trying to run away from them. Problem is, the blades somehow find their way back to him. Kratos does try to run as far away from Greece as possible and even avoiding sleep, but his destiny keeps on catching up to him.

The fist issue does a decent job of introducing us to what’s in store. The narration keeps the reader on the edge of their seat and we feel Kratos’s emotion coming through. The new character that tells Kratos he can’t escape destiny is just that, a plot device even down to how Kratos interacts with him after their first meeting. There’s really not much to say fir the first issue since it’s pretty basic in plot. It’s not a terrible plot, nor is it poorly written, it just seems way to familiar.

The art is amazing. Kratos looks absolutely amazing in this comic. The character design looks almost like it does in the video games. The backgrounds and colors used also add to the amazing artwork. The other humans in the comic, while not as amazing as Kratos, look fine. The only negative aspect of the artwork is the baboon that appears in two panels. It looks like a baboon, but the quality of the drawing is nowhere near that of the rest of the comic. It looks like it was drawn by someone else.

“God of War: Fallen God” may not have that original a story, but the writing in the narration is amazing. The story may not be anything special, but “God of War” fans will enjoy it regardless. The artwork is absolutely amazing despite two panels and is the best thing about this comic.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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