Review Fix chats with Heedless Elegance’ lead vocalist Samuel Konter to find out how the band came together and why 2021 is going to be a special year for the group.
Review Fix: How did the project start?
Samuel Konter: The idea of creating a band came to our minds around 2015 I think, we were in a rock/metal festival in Hungary. Zsolt and I were totally sober and we said to ourselves “lets try it one more time, but this time do it for real“. We had projects where we were playing together with Zsolt, but something was missing from them, so we decided to follow a path where we’ll be very conscious about what we are going to do.
Of course we were continuously bumped into problems and mistakes, but in a different level. Since the official start of the band which was in 2018, we had quite a few band members on each instruments, cause there was always something that came up to the surface. Those things were in a scale from ‘problems with the attitude’ to ‘the person literally went insane’! But eventually in 2020 the final line up of the band was found and now I can proudly say that I’m in a band with amazing musicians and friends: Zsolt Forgó, Mátyás ErÅ‘s, Dani Varga and Albert Csobán. Since than we got into the top 25 “Best Emerging Bands of Hungary” as the only metal music group by winning a showcase talent show in Herend and a major governmental showcase competition.
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Konter: There are a lot of inspirations everywhere, you just need to recognise and embrace them. With Dani, Matyi, Albert and Zsolt, we bring half or fully written songs to the band, if it’s possible we go somewhere far from our home town and start to focus on making them as much close to a perfect song as much as possible from us. It is a hard procedure but the shared vision we have helps us to overcome on problems.
Review Fix: What’s your standout song? How was it written?
Konter: I think the 7th ( or 2th ) song from our new album “LIBRAâ€. For me that song is very personal. It represents a certain feeling what I felt for so long, and these days I’m trying let go.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2021?
Konter: I think we can forget 2021 and focus on 2022. In 2021 we will have 2 major concerts in Budapest, I hope we can have those events and in the meantime we planing our tours for 2022.
Review Fix: How do you want your music to affect people?
Konter: To be honest, I hope that if someone is listening to our music, especially the new album “LIBRAâ€
they will feel something different when they are hearing it, something that makes them say this is not just another metalcore-deathcore something, and they want to listen it again and again, and find new moments in it every time they are hearing it, and maybe in the future the name will grow on the style and someone will say instead of “This is so metalcoreâ€, but “This is so Heedlessâ€.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Konter: With our new album “LIBRA†we hope that we will find new opportunities to show ourselves to the world, I really believe it will happen. Our plans are to play as many concerts in as many places to as many people as possible in the next years, and we will continuously work on to make our shows bigger, smellier, more colourful and more professional. We hope that the belief what we have in our music, and the attitude we trying to follow will takes us to where we want to be.
If you would like to check us out or you’d like to order merchandise or the albums you can find us
on these links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heedless.elegance
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heedlesselegance
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7yNr78pUKCO7heCTAoSlF8?si=koEjmcmbT-6WCNmLhLqFIQ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJc7CBQEV75-AIWdQl4UuJw
Bandcamp: https://heedlesseleganceofficial.bandcamp.com/releases
If you would like to order merchandise or the albums, you can do it here in the
webshop of metal.hu
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