Review Fix chats with Ivy Gold’s Manou, who breaks down the band’s origin, creative process, standout work and goals for the future.
Review Fix: How did the project start?
Manou: Ivy Gold kind of got together by coincidence – OUT OF THE BLUE. We never planned on a big project or anything like that at all. Sebastian and I had done a pre-production of a bunch of our songs. We initially just wanted to see what our songs sound like and that was it in a way. Once recorded, most of the songs actually sounded pretty good and the idea came up to send the demos out to a few people and see what happens. Tal Bergman works with Joe Bonamassa and of course we listened a lot to his music as well as to Tal’s & Joe’s band Rock Candy Funk Party. So one evening I took all my courage I had inside of me and contacted Tal asking him if he would be willing to play drums on our songs. And guess what – he liked our music – believe me – I was thrilled! From that point on we knew we had something special going on – totally out of the blue we had a project and we decided to put a great band together! And here we are – releasing our debut album “Six Dusty Winds†on March 12!!!
Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?
Manou: The creative process varies of course as writing music is not a linear process. Sometimes I have something on my mind and bits and pieces of lyrics just arise. Oftentimes Sebastian comes up with some great guitar riffs and plays it to me. Sometimes there is a melody right in my ear, sometimes not. At times the lyrics are the beginning. So it’s a mixture of it all. After we have some sort of a structure, we go into the fine tuning of the song. And in the end – get the band together to make it sound real good!
Review Fix: What’s your standout song? How was it written?
Manou: Mmh that’s a really hard question for me! I feel that all of our songs are absolutely worth listening to – as they are very different as well. Each song has a special meaning and vibe to it! So I would suggest listening to all of them :-) But for beginners I would pick “Six Dusty Winds†because it’s the title track. It was actually the last song that we wrote and initially was not meant to be on the album because all the songs were actually set. But in the end we had to keep it and even make it the title track!! It’s just a strong song with a strong message.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2021?
Manou: Our goal for 2021 is to promote our album as best as we can and of course it would be great to play some live shows!! But who knows when it will be possible again! In the meantime we keep ourselves busy with the album release! Also there is a little bit of writing as well, so whenever we have some free time we really love to be creative as well!
Review Fix: How do you want your music to affect people?
Manou: Our goal really is to help people understand our music and lyrics and hopefully make the world a better place with our music. We hope to shine more light on the problems of society and the world. Ultimately we would love to wake people up and have them look at the other side of the coin, and go back to the roots of love, harmony and peace.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Manou: We are currently working – like almost day and night – as we decided not to sign to any record label! So we are doing everything by ourselves: promotion, marketing, management, distribution, public relation etc. We got a few record deals offered, but these days it’s not worth it to give away all the artists rights for hardly any money in return. So we are shooting and editing videos these days, promoting the upcoming album and trying to get the word and music out to the world, so a lot of people discover IVY GOLD.
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