Review Fix chats with Sasquatch: Klondike co-creator and writer Johnny Cassidy to find out what fueled his creation of the comic and more.

Review Fix: How did you know a career in comics was for you?
Johnny Cassidy: All I knew was that a career in writing was for me. Multiple attempts at other solo projects and practice runs paved the way but comics just clicked, partly from some experience in learning screenwriting and particularly from my lifelong sporadic obsession with comic books. When Chad brought a collaboration proposal my way, I had to pursue the opportunity.
Review Fix: Who inspires you creatively?
Cassidy: There’s a long list and it’s across all forms of media from all eras of creative arts so I’ll answer with something succinct rather than a list of all the amazing writers, musicians, illustrators, filmmakers, etc. The value of any art, for me, is derived from its honesty and execution. The mainstream of any medium can be valuable as long as it knows what it is, but I prefer deviations from an otherwise comprehensible theme, skewing it just enough to keep life interesting.
Review Fix: What inspired Sasquatch?
Cassidy: It was originally Chad’s idea but I found it interesting enough (see above answer) to be worth pursuing while being in the vein of the kind of writing I’d already been doing. So the inspiration came from the subject matter itself, and from the opportunity to use that subject matter as a device for communicating a certain kind of understanding of the human condition I felt like expressing at the time.
Review Fix: How is it different or special?
Cassidy: Again, Chad said it best and I’ll paraphrase and elaborate. I did a lot of research into Sasquatch-related comics shortly after his pitch and discovered that there have been very few Sasquatch titles in comics history, and none that have explored the subject like this. That’s not arrogance; it’s just how it is. The themes have been expressed countless times, but different contexts and combinations coupled with unique artwork help to make something new.
Review Fix: Who do you think will dig it the most?
Cassidy: I would hope it would attract people like us, the creators. It is intended for people who prefer a diverse array of genres and styles in the media they consume. It’s certainly not like the comics coming out from the major publishers, and some indies are doing a great job of bringing new options to consumers. It’s a little dark, a little bleak, looks different from most comics on the shelves (in a good way) but we hope it’ll strike a note with divergent readers.
Review Fix: How do you want it to be remembered?
Cassidy: As the first issue of a series that introduced a new element every single issue to keep the reader coming back. It should be remembered as the foundation of a series and a publishing company, but only as it fits into the grand scheme.
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?

Cassidy: It’s basically the same as Chad’s answer. We’d like to thank everyone who backed us on Kickstarter and everyone who took an interest in our work along the way. It’s only beginning, but these initial followers, interviewers, cheerleaders, etc. really made it happen, and continue to make it happen.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Cassidy: -Chad and I have a mini being published in Foreign Press Comics’ Fletcher Cross anthology and I’ve attached an image from that.
-Chad mentioned Biologicals, for which I’m hoping we can find a writer with a slightly different aesthetic than my own. Either I need to evolve to the tone Chad envisioned, or hand it over to someone else.
-I have an artist lined up for my next title which, as a writer, I have the luxury of juggling because it’s less labor intensive than the visual end.
-There’s another title we’ll be publishing under Tardigrade Press called The Fatal Charades by Darrell Sawatzky and Bob Little, an intricate high fantasy title with a dark edge. It will probably be the second title from us as a publisher and equally powered by Kickstarter. I’ve attached an image for that also.
-As Chad also mentioned, we’re branching out in the Sasquatch universe and hoping to continue working together both as a team and with others as we continue to broaden our creative pool through the Submissions of our website, now under construction.
Review Fix: Where can people find out more?
Cassidy: For Johnny Cassidy, https://linktr.ee/JohnnyCassidy
For just the Sasquatch title(s), https://linktr.ee/sasquatchcomic
The URL for our website, coming soon, is https://tardigradepress.ca
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