It’s crazy to think that Britt Baker, Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks and Miro, all of AEW’s resident champions, were not in matches this week and Dynamite was still a ton of fun- a show that never let up in and out of the ring. This show is just that deep.
Matt Hardy vs. Orange Cassidy w/Chuck Taylor and Wheeler Yuta: There were some antics early on, but once these two started working, this was a solid opener. This is absolutely a great feud for Cassidy and one that could benefit him immensely in the long haul. Hardy worked over Cassidy’s back hard, but seemed more interested in putting his money back in his pockets. As the match went on though, Hardy continued to dominate until Cassidy busted him open with a DDT Cassidy hit a Twist of fate and a Senton, but Hardy kicked out. Cassidy then missed Orange Punch but used a pinning combination to steal the win.
The Varsity Blonds: Griff Garrison and Brian Pillman Jr. w/Julia Hart vs. The Lucha Bros: Rey Fenix and Pentagon w/Alex Abrahantes: The Blonds hung in there. But Fenix and Penta hit the Assisted Package Piledriver for the win. After the match, The Young Bucks and The Good Brothers tried to mix things up with The Jurassic Express and Lucha Bros, but the two teams stayed on the same page.
Red Velvet vs. Jamie Hayter w/AEW Woman’s Champion Dr. Britt Baker and Rebel: Although Baker got involved, Velvet was solid and Hayter had some moments to shine as well. Hayter ended up with the win, but Kris Stratlander eventually made the save and got the best of Baker.
Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley and Darby Allin w/Sting vs. Ryan Nemeth, Cezar Bonnoni and JD Drake w/Peter Avalon: Moxley and Kingston beat on Bononi and Allin won with the Coffin Drop. After the bell, Danny Garcia hit the ring and beat on Allin and escaped unscathed.
The Factory: Nick Comoroto, Aaron Solo and QT Marshall vs. The Gunn Club Bully, Austin and Colten Gunn: Marshall had the match in hand following the Backbreaker variation and Flatliner, but he spent too much time taunting Paul Wight, who was at the announce table and Colten took advantage and Rolled him up.
Malakai Black vs. Brock Anderson w/Arn Anderson: Black kicked Anderson’s head off and then did the same to Arn. Lee Johnson hit the ring- it looks like he’s next.
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