Rooftop Gardens: All You Should Know

Photo by Tomáš Malík on

Agriculture is increasingly becoming modern. Nowadays, you don’t have to own large tracks to land to practice agriculture.  Still more, you can still practice agriculture in an urban setting. In particular, you can grow your crops on the rooftops and still get better yields. Rooftop gardens are the newest way to grow your crops. This guide will help you understand all things rooftop farming.

Energy Efficient

Rooftop gardens are typically designed to offer great insulation. They provide heat during cold seasons and cool your garden when it’s extremely hot. Plus, air conditioning systems are replaced since most of their done by the roof gardens in a more natural way. According to research, you can save up to 30 percent on your energy bills with rooftop farming.

Pro Tip: If you want to make your home sustainable, get the right energy supplier. Compare business energy options before making your move.

Structural Benefits

When most rooftops are exposed to the sun and rain, they tend to shrink or expand depending on the prevailing weather conditions. The shrinking and expanding shorten can shorten their lifespan. But the good news is that installing green roofs can conserve energy and expand their lifespan.

No Air Conditioning Machines

Air conditioning units are designed to cool off or warm up a building. People who live in areas with extreme weather conditions spend about seventy-percent of their energy on these systems.

Installing a rooftop garden in your home can minimize the energy costs you spend on air conditioning.

Manage Stormwater

Roof gardens can effectively manage stormwater problems. They collect and filter rainwater, hence proving you with a more natural way of managing stormwater. Without these rooftop plants, the rainwater would collect on top of your building and the concrete sidewalks. And since the water isn’t absorbed into the ground, polluted water from the drainage systems might enter your house. So, be sure to invest in a rooftop garden.

Grow Veggies, Fruits

Garden rooftops also provide you with extra space to grow your fruits and vegetables. And this can save you substantial amounts of shopping money. Growing your own vegetables also helps you avoid the dangers of germs, as well as, pesticides.

control noise pollution

It’s also important to note that rooftop gardens can reduce noise. Plants are excellent at absorbing and deflecting sound waves. They can provide your home with considerable noise reduction. And this is particularly true when it comes to low-frequency sounds.

Enhance Air Quality

Another benefit of installing rooftop gardens in your home is that it helps in filtering the air. It does this by removing harmful air particles, as well as, gases. The roofs play an important role in minimizing the production of smog, hence reducing the level of greenhouse gas emissions.

The Bottom-Line

Countries around the world are looking for environmentally sustainable solutions. In particular, agricultural practices can help countries achieve heights in environmental sustainability. One of the best ways to achieve it is through rooftop gardens. The above guide will help you understand all things rooftop gardens and how they can help you realize your crop farming dreams.

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