Superstars Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino’s new series—Primordial—launched with a shower of enthusiasm across the industry and sold out completely at the distributor level. The issue is being rushed back to print in order to keep up with customer demand.Â
“We are incredibly flattered and excited about the reaction to Primordial! Andrea and I put our hearts into this one and we can honestly say that the story gets better and better as our little space animals get further from home,” said Lemire. “Thanks for coming along the journey with us!”
Primordial reveals to readers that In 1957, the USSR launched the dog, Laika, into Earth’s orbit. Two years later, the USA responded with two monkeys, Able and Baker. These animals never returned. But, unbeknownst to everyone, they did not die in orbit…they were taken. And now they are coming home.
This six issue miniseries is the most recent collaboration from the creative team who brought readers the Eisner Award winning, critically lauded Gideon Falls.
Primordial #1, second printing (Diamond Code AUG218388) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, October 20.
Primordial will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.
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