Review Fix chats with Rex Kaiden creator Ryan Westbrook, who discusses his origin in comics, creative process, goals and so much more.
Review Fix: How did you know a career in comics was for you?
Ryan Westbrook: I have always been fascinated with comics. I remember going up to the local super handy and going through the spinner racks looking at all the different comics and just being mesmerized.
Review Fix: Who inspires you creatively?
Westbrook: Jack Kirby and Stan Lee have been my two biggest influences as an artist. along with Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. As a young kid Jim Lee, Rob and the Todd-father literally blew my mind with their takes on the X-men, venom, Spider-Man, and of course image comics. I think everyone loves spawn lol
Review Fix: How are your comics different or special?
Westbrook: My comics often bring my readers a true representation of how I see things and interpret them. So I guess to better explain, with Rex Kaiden you’re stepping out of your world and briefly entering mine. I tell the story I want to tell and how I think it should go. It’s not about being different or special, it’s about checking your bags at the door and embracing the universe I have created. And hopefully enjoying it along the way.
Review Fix: What about this comic? Sell us. Sell us hard.
Westbrook: Rex Kaiden is an undefeated cage fighter who refuses to throw a title fight for the mob. They then kidnap him and sell him to a mad scientist who’s secretly working for an alien that’s building an army. Here Rex Kaiden is transformed into a half man half Super-human Bull. He now fights to stop the evil alien known as Serosia and his army of mutant monsters.
Review Fix: Who do you think will dig it the most?
Westbrook: I think turtle fans will enjoy it or anyone who likes action comedies. It’s definitely got that rush hour Jackie Chan/ Chris Tucker team up vibe with Q and Rex. Although Rex is more like Stone cold than Jackie Chan but they make a good duo with Hands Team. (Hands team was a real thing with my old roommate Q) so I guess you could say parts of Rex Kaiden are based on a true story haha

Review Fix: How do you want your books to be remembered?
Westbrook: I’d like my books to be timeless. My dream would be that Rex Kaiden lives on long after I’m gone
Review Fix: What are your long-term goals for your work?
Westbrook: Long term goals are continuing to create and publish this series for years to come. Short term goals are to finish volume one along with the action figure toy line I’m currently doing for the series. I think All good comics need action figures!
Review Fix: Why should someone support your work?
Westbrook: I enjoy what I do and I think anyone who gives it a chance and really takes the time to sit down and embrace it, will see the value in what I’m doing. Or at least laugh a little as there’s a few good knee slappers in there, lol
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Westbrook: Just remember everyone is someone in the Motb universe… no stone gets left unturned.
Also MOTB stands for March of the Bull
Review Fix: What’s next?
Westbrook: The printed comics and an online store are next. There you will be able to buy comics, trading cards, clothing and of course action figures!!! I will also be launching a patreon where only patreon’s will have access to certain figures, rare sketch cards, certain t shirt designs, artwork etc.
Review Fix: Where can people find out more?
Westbrook: Follow us on Facebook @theundefeatedrexkaiden and Instagram @marchofthebullcomics
Also www.MotbComics.com is coming soon!
We follow and support Rex Kaiden since the beginning, from the series’ roots and beyond. The only thing we can say is that Westbrook’s will to bring the series to greatness is unmatcheable, and he’s an example for every creator to follow. We’re here for you, buddy!!!
Man thank you so much! Diamond Age is doing great things and I love what y’all are doing as well!