Review Fix Exclusive: Elia Petridis Talks “Hatred Has A Mother” Video
By Patrick Hickey Jr.
Review Fix chats with Hatred Has A Mother music video director Elia Petridis, who discusses the track and what makes it special.
About Elia Petridis:
A frequent collaborator with the songwriter, Director and CEO of Filmatics and Executive Creative Director at digital marketing agency Fever Content, Elia Petridis says, “Jesca’s songs are built of striking melodies, moving lyrics, and a unique musical thinking that’s all her own. Her imagination is boundless, always rewarding, and wonderful to help visualize for fans old and new alike.” Inspired by silent film gags, in the video, Hoops takes on choreographed movement bringing out her physicality and playful side. Vibrant colored landscapes and animations, inspired by the album’s artwork designed by Sophie Darling, pour from the screen as she breaks into multiple characters at a time, each with their own unique look and manner. The song, which reminds us that we are more related than we are alien, remains centre stage, a perfect catalyst, as Hoop directs her attention to the camera with guitar in hand. Hatred Has a Mother joins a long list of top tunes, delivering an antidote for othering and a way out of enemy making… all the while having a downright laugh. Who knew a cure for hatred could be fun? Consider us In.
Review Fix: How did you get attached to this project?
Elia Petridis: This is my 7th music video for Jesca. I think we keep collaborating because we like to keep things interesting and never repeat ourselves, neither she with her albums nor I with the videos we make together. We’re like minded that way. As it’s number 7, I’m uniquely positioned to creative direct in terms of her legacy that needs to come through as well as her innovations this time around.
Review Fix: What does music and film do for you that nothing else can?
Petridis: You could write a term paper around that question. The best happens when the video and the song seem like a bonded pair and you’re left fulfilled when enjoying them both at once. Jesca writes very cinematic music. Each of our videos has a narrative and a story, no matter how big or small. Her songs are so well suited to putting images to, they simply demand it, so whether it’s in the theater of your mind, or the video, you’re watching something while listening to Jesca Hoop, that’s why, as a filmmaker, I am always very excited by the prospect. Ghost Stories, Fever Dreams, Play pretend school plays, one take fight scenes, our work is a catalog of filmmaking ideas brought to life.
Review Fix: What did you think of this song the first time you heard it?
Petridis: She sent me the record. I wasn’t sure what the first single would be and came to it on my own, turns out I was right. So, the song found me.
Review Fix: What do you think Ani Difranco would think of this track?
Petridis: I think she’d adore it. The musical thinking here is off the charts. Lyrics, meaning, melody, phrasing, drumming, the other musicians – it’s a master class of feeling, impact, and a call to action, not to mention the iconic feminie energy Jesca brings to the table. I think she’d smile because of the caliber of artist she’s inspired, and be delighted that her ethos and mindset lives on.
Review Fix: What are your goals for this track? How does the video build upon the audio themes?
Petridis: It’s a storyworld. The entire world of the video is inspired by the album art, so you get to walk around the album itself. It’s immersive if you look at it that way. I also hope it’s something that generations can gather round together and enjoy as the vibe is quite modern but the sentiment is quite old. You’ve got these Buster Keaton, Dalton, silent film gags going on throughout, that’s how old, so I want 7 and 70 year olds to laugh and gush at the same time.
Review Fix: How do you want it to affect people?
Petridis:I want people to give themselves a hug after they see it, gaze starry eyed at themselves in the mirror, and fall in love with whom they really are all over again. Then take that notion, that energy, and teach it to others, pass it along, shift perspectives, and spark that revolutionary love of starting small, loving yourself, loving thy neighbour, then go from there. so we can all heave a sigh of relief, for just a minute, in this ever crazy, faster spinning world. If someone said “That was cute as f*()&” I wouldn’t mind. If someone thought on their conflict with another and said, “Am I taking this the wrong way?” that would be the ultimate.
Review Fix: What’s next for you?
Petridis: Sudden Light, the next Jesca Hoop single out in early August. My space opera action adventure musical comedy called Out Of This World is screening at Hollyshorts, and I am prepping a 2nd feature in between more shorts.
Review Fix: Where can people find out more about your projects?
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Petridis: Go see the other videos, not just mine, but all of them – they’re a great way into an amazing artist and career that formed me and my art at a young age. She’ll blow your mind. If you’re a musician or lyricist, especially, go now. The wordsmanship is parallel to none. She has such a beautiful way of handing the world back to you anew.
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