Amelie Lucille EP review: A Heart Laid Bare

Music and emotion go hand in hand. It is fuel, inspiration or sometimes the only way an artist can articulate or show how they feel is through their art. Amelie Lucille’s self-titled EP release sees the artist tell the story of heartbreak and the rollercoaster of emotions that goes along with it.

“Mess” is the first track. The ethereal vocals of Amelie Lucille caress the listener before the soft strums of the acoustic guitar soothe the power of the higher notes. Pristine violins feel as though they caress the other elements in the track, giving a palpable focus to the vocal power on display. The emotion in the track is palpable from the top, with hard-hitting lines such as “somehow, I should know what you’re thinkin’ at all times. What do you want me to see now? That you’re broken just for me?” It gives “Mess” a bold quality for an opening track that sets up a heavy emotional tone for whatever follows.

“Token” follows it up with calm acoustic strums that have a soft bounce which makes it easy to your head to. The powerful vocals of Amelie Lucille deliver an attention-grabbing intro which transitions into a soft, emotional song. The heartbreak in the lyrics is on full display, with an absolutely heart-wrenching chorus that’s as emotional as it is memorable. “Token” carries on the aesthetic set up by “Mess,” but makes the emotional weight its own by giving the track a pulse that makes it a hard one to skip over.

“Disposable Cameras” is another stand-out track. The busy guitar plucks offer a smooth groove to fall into. The weeping violins add an air of mystery and dances with the vocals, underscoring the emotional weight of the lyrics. The confusion and pain can be felt in lines such as “make me a believer in something that doesn’t exist” and “when you said ‘I want you,’ were you lyin’?” When married with the chorus of melancholic reassurance of “everything will be all right,” it paints a powerful portrait of pushing forward through these emotions, even if their weight is crushing.

After the acoustic interlude, “Because Of You” explodes onto the scene with weeping electric guitars and a magnetic drum beat that will instantly get your head bobbing. While the instrumentals have a sunny, upbeat aesthetic, the emotional lyrics bite hard. This bite is felt in lines such “perfect is a word that I do not remember, since the world we built came crashing down” and in the dynamic chorus. “Because Of You” is a satisfying conclusion to the EP, feeling like an explosive end to an emotional ride that reinforces the identity of the music perfectly.

Amelie Lucille’s latest EP is an engaging and emotional ride. The acoustic guitars and violins that dominate the instrumentals of the release do a perfect job of creating a palpable tender aesthetic that allows the emotional to land without any destructive force. The power of Lucille’s vocals cannot be denied and the emotion that pours out of every line goes deep and hits hard. With an excellent ending track that feels like the bow on top of a present, anyone looking for something different or profoundly emotional should check out the latest release by Amelie Lucille. 

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