Wes McClintlock – Open Dream Album Review: A Dream Worth Remembering

Music, much like other forms of expression, can make you feel. Whether it’s intense emotion, a sense of power, or a deep concentration, a good song can perfectly convey the intent of its artist. Wes McClintlock’s album shows off his musical expression in his latest album, “Open Dream.” The first track, “Sky,” perfectly demonstrates this in a purely instrumental form.

The ethereal synths create a dreamy aesthetic right from the top. When the drums come crashing down, they make way for the rest of the instrumentals to settle into a smooth flow. The bass lays down an entrancing groove that’s easy to follow, while the drums offer a steady bop alongside the busy snare taps. “Sky” is an excellent intro track that eases the listener in and leaves them wanting more.

“Imaginary Songs” starts with some wailing guitars with a heavy bassline that jams behind the riffs. The reverb gives the vocals the same ethereal aesthetic from “Sky” but the deep, creeping bassline leaves the track with one foot on the ground. The drums are powerful and do a great job slammin’ hard to keep up with the power of the guitar and vocals. The bass solo around the 2:10 mark creates a dark, spacey feel with a starry quality given by the dreamy synths. It all adds up to make “Imaginary Songs” a shock to the system that switches up the mood and sets you up to groove.

The soft guitar strumming of “Waiting In Line” is calming and eases you into the track. The swelling synths in the background gives the ethereal lyrics a weight that evokes an emotional response. This can be felt in lines such as “can’t forget how to breathe, follow the path in need. Never alone or upset, work till there’s nothing left.” It comes together to create a contemplative track that feels moving to listen to, where the guitar solo at the end feels less like a gesture of power and more of the apex of the contemplative mood of the track. These qualities make “Waiting In Line” a track that’s hard to skip, even on repeat listens.

The title track, “Open Dream,” is a huge stand-out. The cymbal crash grabs your attention immediately as the bassline takes the reins with authority. The deep-reaching grooves offer an excellent grounded pulse while the dreamy guitars float about the synths, creating a dreamy aesthetic that only answers to the grounded percussion of the drums and bass. Even the vocals retain this dreamlike aesthetic with a heavy reverb giving the words an ethereal quality so the harmonies can keep up with the atmosphere, fully embracing the fantasy just before the three-minute mark hits you with a groovy drum beat that offers a fun experience with headphones on. The amount of musical surprises in “Open Dream” gives the track the unique appeal its name alludes to. Wonderful changeovers and an excitingly destructive breakdown at the end give the title track a personality that simply can’t be skipped over.

“Home” is a track with a unique personality. The high energy bass grooves and whimsical guitar riffs will immediately perk you up to chill you out. While these bouncy beats and energetic riffs will definitely tempt you to get up out of your seat, the grounded bassline implores you to kick back and watch the view of the party it creates rather than dance in it yourself. The lyrics, however, paint a different picture than the upbeat instrumentals and cast the energy in an anxious light. This is perfectly illustrated in the lines “Monday’s poison, clouds Sunday’s mind. Falling forward, to spring behind,” nailing the feeling of when the plans of tomorrow invades the relaxed mind of today. It gives “Home” a playful quality whose lyrical juxtaposition works very well to flip the instrumental atmosphere on its head.

From start to finish, “Open Dream” is exactly what it says on the label. Dreamy synths, airy guitars and deep bass, bouncy bass grooves combine with reverb-laced vocals to create an ethereal listening experience. The instrumental tracks, “Sky” and “Breaking Into Nothing” are perfect mood-setters for the bombastic tracks that follow them, while others such as the title track offer incredibly fun and unique listening experiences. “Open Dream” is an indie rock album that offers a heartfelt experience wrapped in a trippy, ethereal package that’s hard to put down until you’ve reached the end.

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