“Ahoy Comics” is one of those comic book companies that publishes comics that make you say, “What the hell were they smoking, and can I have some of it?” That tradition continues with the one-shot “Acid Chimp VS Business Dog.” Yes, you read that title correctly.
The main story is split into two parts. Part One is written by Bryce Ingman with artist Peter Krause and Part Two is written by Mark Russell with artist Steve Pugh. Part One has Acid Chimp being attacked by animal control and Part Two has Business Dog gaining Acid Chimp as a pet. That’s the entire two-part story. It’s as nonsensical and crazy as you’d expect. Part One even spoofs “Home Alone.” That right there tells you this is meant to be that one super decadent dessert with 1000 mgs of sugar that you know has zero nutritional value but you eat it because it was a good idea at the time. The art is the same way.
As with all “Ahoy Comics” issues, there are short stories. The first is “Nice Leg” by Bryce Ingman. Xavier’s left leg is so wonderful that everyone has to stop and compliment it. He hates it, especially now that he’s wearing shorts at the Santa Monica Pier. It’s an odd story that at first seems like it won’t go anywhere until the end when it has a message. It’s a decent story for its length and the ending’s message though not profound is OK.
“The Rats of the Edmund Fitzgerald” by Tyrone Finch sees mischief of rats fleeing a sinking sink but then decides to try to save it since it is their home. It’s one of the most unique stories ever told since you rarely hear stories about rats doing anything. Finch makes the reader root for the rats and even feel for them at the end. It’s rare to make humans feel anything but disgust towards rats.
“Acid Chimp VS Business Dog” may not have much going for it but it satisfies a craving for something stupid. Same with “Nice Leg” but “The Rats of the Edmund Fitzgerald” makes you feel things you thought you’d never feel towards rats.
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