Review Fix chats with singer/songwriter Adam Lippman, who discusses his career and new single, “Wasted.”
Listen to the track on Bandcamp Now.
About Adam Lippman:
Paste Magazine described ‘Fool’s Gold’ as “brimming with competent pop/rock and subtle experimentation.” ‘Sunblind’ from ‘Some Things Cast Long Shadows’ was a Best of 2021 track by Dave Cromwell Writes. New listeners may also know Adam as a songwriter and guitarist from New York City band “Automatic Children” and the bassist from “Supple.”
Review Fix: You’ve got a lifetime of music under your belt, what brings you to this place and this single in 2024?
Adam Lippman: About a year and a half ago I released my first solo album in almost 15 years – I had been playing and co-leading/co-writing in a band since the last one and that was a 12 year commitment. So It felt good to have a new collection of solo material, and write about all the things that were going on, both good and bad. I really was trying to find myself and what my future vision and sound would be like. In the 3 years it took to make that record, I feel like I figured it out, and had built something again that I didn’t want to stop. So I was excited to put more music out.
Review Fix: What does this song do for you creatively?
Lippman: That last album was really successful in capturing a time in my life and gelled really well as a whole. But it was time to try something different and I really love how my new single Wasted is so much of a different beast. I am enjoying playing it and seeing the great response it’s getting, I added another layer in this song, and it was exciting for me to explore a different sonic palette and take the song to a new level. And it’s inspired me to create more.
Review Fix: How does this stand up with some of your older work? Will it attract new fans or keep the older ones happy?
Lippman: While it is different in approach from the last album, Wasted still has my stamp all over it. It also has a bit more energy because it’s as if I’ve gotten over those things I wrote the album about, learned to accept them, and can get a little grittier and louder in the storytelling this time. It does have some parallels with some of my earliest solo material as well, so I think it ties together the old and new very well and should keep both old and new listeners happy.
Review Fix: What was it like to work with James Mauri?
Lippman: James and I go back as far as high school. We’ve played lots of shows together with our respective bands as well. So knowing him so well has helped immensely. When you’re comfortable in the studio and who you’re working with, the results are usually better, and that is definitely the case here. He’s also directed and filmed much of my last 2 videos. So I can do many different things with my music with the same person, and the overall vision can stay on course more easily.
Review Fix: For those who have never listened to your work before, is this a good starting point?
Lippman: Yes, I think it represents me moving forward and where my sound is going, while still retaining my signature sound.
Review Fix: What are your goals for this track?
Lippman: I would love for it to get to as many new listeners as possible. I really love the song and think it has a little something for everyone to like. Some radio play on more stations would be a goal for sure.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Lippman: Maybe another single. These days that model is the most sustainable honestly for an indie artist. I feel like a lot of times albums as a whole get overlooked and most people just hear one or two singles from it anyway. And spacing new songs out means I can afford it. versus the much higher cost of making an album most people will never hear all of. It’s also how they used to do it, and record companies could see your continued output, which also keeps fans happy, and eventually put them together into a bigger album. Speaking of which, I would love to get picked up by a publisher or record label so that there are the resources to make even more happen, including being able to tour and play to many new audiences. Making the music available is easy for anyone these days. Touring is not. I think the music deserves it, and I love playing shows. I also hope to collaborate with a lot of friends on their projects or write a song together. Because music is most fun for me when playing it with others.
Review Fix: Where can people find out more about you?
Lippman: I recently set up a Linktree page, which I love because all of my important links are in one place and it’s easy to add new content when I have it. That link is : https://linktr.ee/adamlippman
But you can also find me just by looking online. I am on YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, all the streaming sites, though the new single is only on Bandcamp at this time. i love their artist-first business model, it’s very appealing as an independent artist. I have enough music on the others including the last album.
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Lippman: I feel like the combination of the album followed by a single and a lot more regular performances have built a good deal of momentum, and I’m excited to ride that wave and keep it growing. Hoping for a lot this year but I think I’m on track.. I hope you’ll check out my music and come to a show.
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