Emotions are powerful. They can channel both loving warmth and tenderness, while also being able to invoke wild passion and uncontrollable outbursts. Touch The Buffalo’s latest EP release, “Bodhicitta,” runs this emotional gamut in 4 tracks, each one packed with heart to tell their own part of a powerful story.
“This City’s Burning” starts things off with a catchy riff that rolls out the carpet for the heavy drum beat. That beat takes center stage on the track and creates a smooth beat that’s easy to get lost in, especially when backed by the droning guitar riffs that allow the listener to melt into the music. While the vocal performance takes on a similar mellow aesthetic, but both them and the guitars have plenty of moments where they rise to the occasion to make an absolutely jaw-dropping impression. From the first time you hear the chorus and the lines “show me rage and show me love,” along with the guitar solo around the 2:20 mark are great examples of this. “This City’s Burning” is an awesome intro track that rocks hard but never loses its oddly mellow and contemplative sound.
“In Six Heads About it” follows it up and brings things down from rock heaven with a smooth ukelele groove. The vocals back this up until the subtle drums begin which is soon followed by a distorted guitar riff that brings things back into the realm of rock. The track is an emotional one with lines such as “do you, still dream? Do you still dream without fear” and “chase out all the demons from this damn world” are delivered with heart and their weight is palpable. Where the first track had a mellow and contemplative vibe, “In Six Heads About It” embraces the air of melancholy it creates to create a captivating track with wailing guitars that echo along the slow tempo that’s easy to get lost in.
The entrancing piano that leads your ears into “The Carpenter and the Nurse” dances slowly with the weeping guitars. It creates an instantly captivating sound that creates a contemplative mood that allows you to focus on the lyrics coming from the signature crooning vocals. The performance is front and center with the vocals throwing away all reservations from the last few tracks, giving the listener a sort of inverted experience where the music eventually rises to meet the vocals in a big way towards the end. The emotional weight is palpable in lines such as “my heart’s like a hospital waiting on you and I’ll tend to your cuts, your aches and your bruises. Nothing can hurt you again, darling you’re mine.” The music rises up to make an impression around the 2:40 mark when the drums get heavier and the guitars begin to fly sky high. “The Carpenter and the Nurse” is a stand-out track on the EP and is one that no one should overlook.
The lively plucks of the ukulele create an enchanting backdrop to the emotional lyrics of the intro, with the line “I’ll keep your light in my heart, oh that’s a good place to start.” A smooth guitar riff and poppin’ drums that follow up the heartfelt intro create a sunny aesthetic for the track that makes the title of “Hope’s Song” feel like it fits. While it’s heartfelt and heavenly, the track isn’t afraid to rock out with both guitars getting their chance to give memorable distorted high chords and the drums getting their heavy march during the outro. Add in a clever chorus and you have one of the most memorable tracks on the EP.
Touch The Buffalo’s “Bodhicitta” EP is a gripping listen from start to finish. Each track is packed full of emotion to give each one their own story and personality, with plenty of heavy lines that stick with you long past your first listen. “Bodhicitta” straps the listener into an emotional rollercoaster and pushes them through a heavy front half towards a triumphant and equally emotionally palpable finale. It makes the 4-track EP satisfying to listen to all at once, making each track all the more memorable.
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