Dark Horse Books presents Louder Than Words, Actions Speak, a new collection gathering two Sergio Aragonés series, Louder Than Words and Actions Speak, together for the first time. Written and illustrated by Aragonés (Groo, Space Circus, The Mighty Magnor), this hardcover volume collects issues #1-6 of both series and includes new cover art by Aragonés, colored by Carrie Strachan, with all original series covers colored by Tom Luth.
Louder Than Words, Actions Speak is a journey into the best gag strips of the previous and current century! In the playful, energetic style that made Aragonés famous and MAD Magazine funny, this collection is a must-have for anyone who has ever even chuckled. Sergio Aragonés proves time and time again that a picture may paint a thousand words, but one well-delivered gag is good for a million laughs.
Louder Than Words, Actions Speak (320 pages,7.75” x 11”, hardcover) arrives in bookstores on July 16, 2024 and in comic shops on July 17, 2024. It is now available to preorder at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, local comic shops, and indie bookstores for $49.99.
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