Geof Darrow’s highly praised Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel to Be Kin series will be presented in a new oversized edition perfect for admirers of Darrow’s incredibly detailed artwork. The Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel to Be Kin—Silent but Deadly Edition is set to arrive in Fall 2024. The Silent but Deadly Edition presents Darrow’s art and Dave Stewart’s coloring without lettering.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then more than 205 pages of the stupendous and technicolor art of Dave Stewart and the dubious letterless box drawings of Geof Darrow must be worth at least…well…you do the math. But that’s what you are going to get when Dark Horse presents the king-size SILENT BUT DEADLY edition of the The Shaolin Cowboy epic “CRUEL TO BE KIN.” No words to slow you down, no philosophy to burden your tic-tocked brain—just pure unadulterated and uncensored, pedal to the metal, full color, kung fu, six gun, barn-burning action as only Stewart and Darrow can deliver. No valium nor Xanax can help you with this pulse-pounding tome. If you think you know the whole story you don’t! So light a match and crack open the window of your imagination and take a deep breath of the CRUEL TO BE KIN SILENT BUT DEADLY edition!!! Geof Said Non-Believer!
Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel to Be Kin—Silent but Deadly Edition (240 pages,8”x12”) collects Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel to Be Kin #1-7 without lettering andarrives in bookstores on September 17, 2024 and in comic shops September 18, 2024. It is now available to preorder at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your local comic shop and indie bookstore for $49.99.
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