Bill Greenberg – When I’m Stronger Single Review: Hard-Hearted

Life moves pretty fast. Everyone goes through childhood with dreams, ideas and aspirations of greatness that seem to slowly narrow as we move through life and grow. Not everyone can make their dreams a reality, however, and sometimes all one can do is reflect on what’s happened. For Bill Greenberg, that introspection is on full display in his latest single, “When I’m Stronger.”

The slow, acoustic guitar plucks are instantly catchy and create the perfect backdrop for the vocals of Bill Greenberg. Their sound creates a mellow atmosphere and puts Greenberg’s voice and lyrics at center stage. The smooth performance stands side-by-side with the contemplative guitar, whose plucks give the introspective lyrics both a weight and relief as they back up the performance. While the chorus is memorable and packs an emotional punch of longing, it’s the rest of the track that lingers on your heart.

The track hits hard from the start, with lines such as “I could cry to realize that I should go, that I should try. That I could find a better life, that I can win, win back my pride” that cut deep when the lyrics begin to sink in. Other lines such as “every day, every night, every song, I’ll get it right” carry the weight of Greenberg’s introspection which allows the listener to immerse themselves in his story. The bittersweet chorus brings it all together and hits you hard when his answer is “maybe… When I’m stronger.”

This emotional weight hits all at once sonically around the 2-minute mark with a beautiful but brief harmonica solo. It feels like a cry from the heart as it introduces the listener to the final portion of the track. Though it may sound mellow, the guitar offers bold moments that emphasize the power behind the emotions that come with such a degree of self-reflection. Each line has a riff or melody that goes alongside it to make the listening experience a memorable one. 

“When I’m Stronger” is a heavy listen. The musical serenity of the track is easy to get lost in and offers a peaceful sonic environment. This peace is slowly disrupted by the immersive and introspective lyrics. The story of Bill Greenberg tells in the track is a heavy one with regrets on full display, giving it a darker but incredibly impactful feel. “When I’m Stronger” isn’t a cheery track, but the heart in it makes it one you won’t regret listening to.

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