Joan Torres’s All Is Fused – “Embrace Form” Album Review: An Inspired Fusion

Musicians are artists. While they may become popular or associated with specific aesthetics, sounds or genres, inspiration is ultimately what dictates ones’ creative endeavors. For Joan Torrss’ All Is Fused, the inspiration they chose to follow was an alternative rock and jazz-funk fusion that leads to their latest album release entitled “Embrace Form.”

“Unexpectations” is a track whose name speaks volumes. It draws you in with a tropical vibe that kicks off the back of some poppin’ percussion. The transition to the smooth, airy guitars then back to the powerful percussion makes it a dynamic beat whose changeovers feel natural. Even if said transitions are very sonically unique, such as the laid-back tropical groove into a more alternative, grungy feel. It all ends on a strong and fast sequence that feels perfect for a track with the title it carries.

Following it up is “Darker Decision.” It’s a musical tour-de-force as it combines an excellent pulse-pounding rock and roll feel with a jazzy backdrop. You feel it instantly as the keys lure you in before the drums and saxophone hit you full-force with it. Shortly after, you’re introduced to the intoxicating earworm of a riff that hits each time the track is about to kick things into a higher gear. The powerful percussion from the drums keeps ebbs and flows as it keeps your blood flowing during the sections that lean heavily into the rock vibe, while they provide a great backbone to lean on as the jazzy pianos and sax makes its impressions. “Darker Decisions” is an instrumental epic that is hard to pull yourself away from, even on repeat listens, making it one you shouldn’t miss.

Another unmissable track is “Friends, Memories, Loops.” After it grabs your attention with some rolling drums, it goes into a groove that simply doesn’t stop. The bassline is deep and always makes itself known as its echoing depth holds the free-wheeling sounds around it to the ground. It’s no easy feat, with a bold sax that dances and duels with airy guitars that aren’t afraid to rock hard or step the tempo up. With an incredibly catchy hook that the track plays with throughout, “Friends, Memories, Loops” is a wild ride that feels silky smooth.

With a mysterious intro that crawls through your head, “Crystalline” is the final track on the album. From the top, it’s unlike the others in that it doesn’t offer any energy up front and allows you to fall into its sounds. They emerge slowly, with the guitars soft, airy plucks making an impression before the deep bass groove. When the drums hit, they make a splash with a cymbal crash and everything begins to kick it up and into place. The bass groove is easy to get lost in, as are the airy riffs of the guitar. The drums are also hypnotic, but explode with power every so often to kick you back into the track. That’s also just the beginning, as after a brief bass solo in the middle of the track, it kicks into high gear with a busy yet ethereal second half. While its ending may feel a bit abrupt, “Crystalline” is an incredibly memorable outro track that gives the album a well-rounded feel.

Joan Toress’ All Is Fused has created something special. “Embrace Form” is a statement to inspiration as it effortlessly fuses rock and jazz influences to create brain-tingling tracks. Epics such as the rough “Cotati Reset” and mysterious “Darker Decision” are easy to get lost in while others such as “Unexpectation” and “Explode” aren’t afraid to wear their musical intent on their sleeve. Each track feels unique with memorable riffs and unforgettable sequences that feel fresh even on repeat listens. “Embrace Form” is an incredible instrumental album that shouldn’t be missed.

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