Fans and comics retailers are backing a powerful family of immortal Vikings, and as a result, the first issue of the new Dark Horse Comics series Kill All Immortals is sold out at the distributor level. A continuation printing is on the way to give more readers a chance to experience this exciting new comic from the creative team of Zack Kaplan (Mindset, Break Out, Port of Earth), artist Fico Ossio (Action Comics, Star Wars, No One Left To Fight), colorist Thiago Rocha (Jour J, Gatecrashers), Eisner Award-nominated designer Tom Muller (X-men, Hivemind), and Eisner Award-nominated letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. The team at Dark Horse is working away to get Kill All Immortals #1 back on the shelves as quickly as possible, and it’s expected to arrive mid-August. We suggest you don’t waste this opportunity, and add the entire series to your pull list!
About Kill All Immortals:
A thousand years ago, Viking explorer Erik the Red and his four adult children discovered a mysterious source of immortality. In our modern world, they are an enigmatic billionaire family with a powerful banking empire. But when Erik’s only daughter, Frey Asvald, seeks freedom from her family’s influence, she must be prepared to reveal their supernatural secrets and confront her well-trained siblings in a deadly and epic struggle for power.
Pre-order the deadly first issue from your local comic shop today for $3.99. If you need more reasons to snag your copy of Kill All Immortals #1, check out these early reviews:
“Kill All Immortals #1 is an interesting debut that has us wanting to read the second issue immediately. Yes, there’s a dash of Succession but it feels more like the horror of The Menu and its cat-and-mouse game by the end. Where this series goes will be interesting and we can’t wait to find out.”—Graphic Policy
“…even with all the cards out on the table, this issue handles its storytelling and dialog with enough panache that what sticks out is how these influences are utilized to create something new, rather than what has been copied. Some nice artwork and a possible supernatural element lurking in the background make this an enjoyable and layered experience. 4.5 out of 5 stars.”—Major Spoilers
“Dark Horse Comics has been building the hype for Kill All Immortals, and it delivers in a jaw-dropping brutal fashion.”—NerdInitative
“Regardless of why you’re excited about this book, Kill All Immortals seemingly has so much to offer so early on in its run. There’s gore and heart; explorations of capitalism and transparency; ample family and romance; and, the thing we can all agree on every single time, sick sword/axe fights.”—AIPT
“Kill All Immortals will go down as our favorite debut issue of 2024 with the promise of being one of the best comics series of the year.”—Capes & Tights
“This issue has globetrotting, violence, and of course the presentation of wealth. Ossio’s illustrations introduce readers to a beautiful location where the Asvalds live and ensures Leif, Steinn, Thor, and Erik are all seen as forces to be reckoned with that also are dressed in designer-looking clothing.”—Pages and Panels
“What makes it worthwhile is the world in which the story takes place and how those familiar elements fit into that world. And the world that writer Zack Kaplan has created is one very much worth exploring. There’s a fair bit of blood and violence, but the action is great and will keep you coming back for more. I can’t wait for the next issue.”—Fanbase Press
“The comic starts hot with a bloody action scene that has thugs getting torn apart by mythical weaponry. But after the dust clears, Kill All Immortals #1 settles into building up the story’s intense family drama filled with intriguing characters.”—GonkBonk
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