You Never Heard of Me #1 Review: Great Writing

Having any type of psychic power is considered either a blessing or a curse depending on who you ask and how it’s used. Which is why most people say they don’t want that kind of power. Writer Iolanda Zanfardino and artist Elisa Romboli created a comic with this kind of scenario “You Never Heard of Me.”  

Will and his family have moved to a small town because Will’s grandmother has a gift that allows her to see both negative and positive outcomes in a person’s future just by touching them. His grandmother also tried to improve the outcome but always failed, causing people to hate her. After her death, Will inherited the gift but wants nothing to do with it. Now he’s trying to avoid touching everyone and not tell anyone he has it. 

The premise may not be original or that interesting, but the idea of someone who is trying to avoid using psychic powers and not tell anyone is interesting if done correctly. Zanfardino has created a situation for her character where any number of things can go wrong for everyone. This is where readers will get hooked. They will want to know what kind of pain and suffering Will is going to cause to himself and especially his family.    

The artwork truly stands out. The character designs are nice but the comic shines the most in the use of color. There are entire pages where it’s a color explosion in a way that will mesmerize the reader. Not to mention the two different scenarios in Will’s visions are represented by gold for positive and blue for negative which is a nice touch. 

 “You Never Heard of Me” may not be original but the writing makes the reader want to see how this adventure pans out and the use of color in the art is phenomenal.  

About Rocco Sansone 876 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.