Image Comics/Ghost Machine is thrilled to reveal a striking Hyde Street 1:100 copy incentive homage variant showcasing artwork by Ivan Reis, Danny Miki and Brad Anderson, paying homage to the iconic Blackest Night #1’s debut issue written by Geoff Johns. This variant sees Reis revisiting one of his most popular covers and will kick off his reteam with Johns on the upcoming Hyde Street launch next month.
“With this Hyde Street variant cover we wanted to pay tribute not only to a collaboration in our past, but also to our readers and loyal fans who made Blackest Night such a standout success at the time,” said Reis.
Johns added: “When we began talking about the concept of Hyde Street, our minds naturally went to Blackest Night for its dark horror atmosphere, a sandbox that Ivan and I were excited about playing in again. Like all of Ivan’s work this variant cover is brilliant, and we can’t wait for fans to join us as we discover Hyde Streettogether.”
Hyde Street‘s interiors feature colors by Brad Anderson, inks by Danny Miki, and letters by Rob Leigh.
In every city and town, off every country road and metropolis avenue, if you make a wrong turn in your soul… you might find yourself on Hyde Street. But be careful who you talk to and what you do because the consequences make death itself seem like the easy way out. Introducing Mr. X-Ray, Pranky the World’s Most Dangerous Scout, Miss Goodbody, and many more… Out to delight, fright and say good night. What is their secret and that of Hyde Street? Only they know. For now.
For fans of W. Maxwell Prince & Martín Morazzo’s Ice Cream Man and classic Stephen King stories, Hyde Street is the perfect tale of terror to haunt readers’ shelves this Halloween.