Review Fix chats with JBNG’s Jaben Groome who discusses the band’s new album, “Live at the Biltmore.”
About JBNG:
Grunge-rock fusion outfit headed by Jaben John Groome which embraces indie rock in all its forms, have taken inspiration by legendary artists Nirvana and Alice in Chains, embracing their own unplugged album “Live at the Biltmore”, released Dec 31 independently. Recorded in their hometown of Vancouver, Canada, this special performance captures the band at the height of their heart-on-the-sleeve powers.
JBNG takes on the grunge and indie rock aesthetic in a vulnerable and honest way, focusing on strong, untethered compositions as well as an openness with regards to mental health. Their music is both an exercise in sonic bombast as well as a personal healing technique.
Review Fix: This is a big band. How does it all come together?
Jaben Groome: The more the better. More support and ideas. It’s the best approach.
If you get the right bandmates, it makes it all with ease.
I prefer every instrument to be focused on individually by a different musician which I think comes out as the best performance possible when live.
Review Fix: What’s the Vancouver scene like? How do you peeps stand out?
Groome: It’s different for every artist and their approach and needs. Lots of great venues and helpful venue managers. But if you trapped playing too much and for free, or losing money, then the end could be near for anyone. No matter the talent. I think there’s a balance of driving up the right amount of demand, spreading the music over time around the community with patience and it’ll be rewarded if you stick with it.
When heath ledgers joker got hired to kill Batman he said “if your good at something, you don’t do it for free.”
A lot of great artist fail because they don’t know how to make consistent money at it. But their art is great. Thats sad but true. So being aware and educated about everything it takes, will help you stand out. It doesn’t just happen on its own.
I don’t think we stood out with the last approach we had when we started playing some shows at the beginning of Run. The album got released at the same time so no one really heard the music yet. It was a learning experience. I’m giving it time and will have a new approach, focusing on social media linked into the local scenes. Checking other bands out at different venues and doing homework. Getting things ready for the next go at it. Having a targeted approach to promoting helps get the ball rolling to sell some tickets. Learning how to stand out and the pieces will fall into place. If you’re independent like me then every detail matters.
Review Fix: Your sound is eclectic- what drives you creatively?
Groome: Comes from emotions. Almost 100%. If I’m not feeling, I’m not writing. When I’m feeling,
I have years in my life with no writing. Then my life falls apart…I got an album.
Based on what I was experiencing in my life at the time.
Meh was anxiety/fear.
Run was heartbreak/trauma/grief.
Bye is healing acceptance and peace.
Review Fix: What’s the killer track on this album?
Groome: Barely Know You has gained the most attention, my favourite is Out to get you, I love screaming that one on stage, but each to there own :)
Review Fix: How do you want this album to be remembered?
Groome: Could be remembered for different things. It was all written shortly after a breakup that I took very hard. If some people find it comforting to find that they aren’t alone if they can relate. It pushed me out of the basement and onto the stage as I felt like I had nothing to lose anymore.
I’d want it to be remembered for what Art can do to help people heal, have something when it feels like all else is lost, make something out of nothing, Run did that for me, but whether that happens or comes across that way I have no idea.
Review Fix: What are your short and long term goals in music?
Groome: Short term is in the recording studio right now, working on the next album Bye, should be done by Aug and maybe release by the end of year if the timing is right with all the pieces of the puzzle in place.
Long term goals include solidifying funding so the talented musicians in the band are always compensated for their hard work. Planning every detail so it’s sustainable. Being independent, with no interest in a record deal, means being responsible with money and then you have a shot at long term growth with a growing fan base success will be achieved. When things are ready and demand is higher we’ll want to take it up a notch to what was achieved before, get into some festivals and hopefully a Canadian tour.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Groome: After that, it’s up the world to decide and how well the music is accepted. I’ll go where it takes me. I’ll be ready.
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Groome: A big thank you to everyone who has helped the music come alive, in the studio, the band, promoters, fans. It takes so many people working hard to make something work and luckily it has.
Review Fix: Where can people find out more?
Groome: JBNG.ca
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jbngmusic
Spotify: https://bit.ly/3MNVMJI
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbngmusic/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jbngband/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jbngband
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