Wht.rbbt.obj – RomeoBravoBravoTango EP Review: Rock Out

Little can replace good rock and roll. While time marches on and musical experiments are conducted, the genre grows and evolves to take on new elements and meanings. For Chicago rock band Wht.rbbt.obj, (that’s “White Rabbit Object”) the foundations of yesteryear are perfectly stable ones to expand on with that hard rock sound in their new EP, “RomeoBravoBravoTango.” The track “Your Love’s a Crime” starts things off right.

The drums and bassline create a draw that grabs the listener by the ear and gently tugs them along. When the raspy crooning of frontwoman River Rabbite is just as alluring and packs a punch when the track calls for it. Lines such as “I will sing for you, I will bleed for you, wanna taste it all the time” and the chorus, especially when Rabbite rises above the background vocals to hit your ears with her bluesy stylings. The subdued guitar solo that’s followed by the deeper-reaching bassline that empowers the track is both a highlight and the point where the track kicks into a groovy overdrive that makes “Your Love’s A Crime” an awesome first impression for the EP.

The next track is “Heavy Petting.” With another deep bassline that struts into your ears and shows off while River Rabbite’s raspy vocals echo around it. While she keeps it low and sensual when she dances with the bassline, Rabbite’s power is unleashed during the chorus. While the drums and bass give the track its momentum, the long licks of the guitar add to the sonic mystique of the track. It gives “Heavy Petting” a fun personality that begs you to just rock out and have a good time.

The finale of the EP is “Dirty Love,” and it makes the whole thing go out with a bang. The track starts with some high-energy before moving into its own groove as the bass bounces along the heavy distortions of the plucky guitar. The beat the track marches to is intoxicating and will always get you moving, in spite of the rough and sludgy aesthetic. This is just until right before the 2-minute mark, where the track starts revving up with some sensual lines such as “you wanna please me? You wanna squeeze me? You wanna love me? Baby, come take me now” before exploding into the final leg of the track, where the infectious beat takes over to lead you out on the back of a final chorus.

Wht.rbbt.obj makes an impression to remember on “RomeoBravoBravoTango.” It’s a balanced EP that knows its rock n roll roots, channeling the grungy attitudes of the of acts such as Fu Manchu with the heavily distorted guitars and bass when it mixes the powerful vocal stylings of frotwoman River Rabbite. From the top, “Your Love’s a Crime” grabs you and never lets you go until the end of the ride in “Dirty Love.” Each track on the EP brings it own personality, with tracks such “Heavy Petting” and “White Rabbit Black Sheep” being incredibly fun, while others such as “The Ballad of Kitty Collins” rock hard and deliver lyrics with attitude. No rock fan should miss “RomeoBravoBravoTango,” unless you want to miss a good time.

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