Review Fix chats with comic book writer David Doub, who discusses the goals and story structure of “Dusk.†Letting us know that the series is more than just something cool for horror and vampire fans, Doub breaks down the reasons why the series is so special.
Review Fix: What was the inspiration for this book?
David Doub: Living in the modern world where everything is known and can be explained, I like there to he some mystery to how things work in the world. Â Also mystery and a sense of wonder doesn’t always mean it shedding light onto things. Â Sometimes during your explorations you find where the light ends and what lives in the darkness.
Or the simple answer to the question is I like the grand tragedy that is the vampire myths.
Review Fix: What did you learn from the previous volumes in the series?
Doub: Dusk is made up of separate and individual stories and I think I’m getting the hang of making the different stories connect and flow better and still each stand out.
Review Fix: What do you think makes it special?
Doub: I think Dusk stands out because it’s messy and complex. Yes, a lot of fiction is escapist fantasy, but I like to think Dusk is more relatable because the characters struggle like we do in our lives, just at more dramatic scale. Â I’ve done a lot of research on the original Gothic and one of its core tenants was that there is beauty in the sublime and the grotesque and I try to follow that in the latest volume of Dusk.
Review Fix: Without giving anything away, what is the crux of the story?
Doub: With volume 3 we explore more of the past and relationship of our heroine Eve and her vampiric benefactor Ash. Â It’s not a straight storybook romance, but that is where the tragic beauty comes in from such a dark world.
Review Fix: Did any comics you read as a kid play a role in this one?
Doub: I grew up on comics during the 90s Indy black and white boom. Â And vampires fit so well with black and white. Â Also, since there were no corporation rules or troupes of superheroes to follow creators then really got creative with making comics.
Review Fix: What type of comic book fans will enjoy this the most?
Doub: Horror fans. Â Old school vampire fans. Â Drama fans. Â People who enjoy a good comic.
Review Fix: What is special about the art here?
Doub: Each chapter has a different artist to help change the tone and expectation of each story. Â Perceptions are always changing and affect how people respond to a given situation so we literally change perspective by changing the art.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Doub: We are trying something different by doing the first Dusk novel. Â It will be interesting how much trouble we can get the characters into with all that room a novel affords us.
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