Review Fix Exclusive: Dinah King Talks Goals in Music And More

Review Fix chats with singer/songwriter Dinah King, who discusses her origin, creative process and goals in music.

Review Fix: How did the project start?

Dinah King: I have always sang. Ever since I can remember I would stand up in front of my family and sing songs from Disney films, memorising every word and practicing constantly… my poor wee mama! Music was a big feature at home with myself and my 3 siblings playing every instrument known to man… again, my poor mama! I started singing in my local church age 14 – quickly stepping in to lead the music programme there at 16. When producer Jimmy (Funeral Fires front man) asked me to work on a few songs with him after a 10 year hiatus, I was over the moon! Then Covid-19 hit the world so with a lot more time on my hands, what started as me singing a few backing harmonies for Jimmy became Dinah King and what you hear now.

Review Fix: What’s your creative process like?

King: I write with my producer Jimmy who is also the front man for Glasgow based Punk Rock band Funeral Fires. Jimmy is great at making my creative thoughts come alive and you’ll often find us on the floor with a sea of paper and guitars!

We are both quite cut throat when it comes to ideas so if one of us isn’t keen then it’s out, from the music to the artwork.

Review Fix: What’s your standout song? How was it written?

King: Eyepennies is made up of covers from artists like Billie Holliday and Sulfjan Stevens. It has been curated in my own style to tell a story of sadness, loss and hope. Something we can all relate to. 

The standout song has to be Cocaine & Abel written by Amigo The Devil. The words are very personal to me and I hope listeners will take something away from the raw lyrics.

Review Fix: What are your goals for 2021?

King: The second album is in the works and plans are being made around shows and touring next year once the pandemic is over. 2021 will be an interesting year for the industry but we’re hoping the world gets back to normal soon so we can see you guys in person at shows!

Review Fix: How do you want your music to affect people?

King: My music is very emotive. I’ve tried to put songs together that will make people stop, think and hopefully relate. There’s a certain sadness to John Wayne Gacy Jr which certainly comes through where the last song, Gloomy Sunday is more despairing.

Ultimately, I just want people to feel something when they hear my songs.

Review Fix: What’s next?

King: I have started work already on the next album which will have a more upbeat feel to it. The theme is very different so much less sad but still in my kooky style.

Expect to be surprised again!

About Patrick Hickey Jr. 14148 Articles
Patrick Hickey Jr. is a full-time Assistant Professor of Communication & Performing Arts and Director of the Journalism program at Kingsborough Community College and is the chairman of the City University of New York Journalism Council. He is the Founder and Editor-In-Chief of He's also a former News Editor at NBC Local Integrated Media and National Video Games Writer at where his work was mentioned in National Ad campaigns by Disney, Nintendo and EA Sports. Hickey was also the Editor-In-Chief of two College Newspapers before he received his BA in Journalism from Brooklyn College. Hickey's work has been published in The New York Daily News, The New York Times, Complex, The Hockey Writers, Yahoo!, Broadway World, Examiner, NYSportScene Magazine,,, The Syracuse Post-Standard, and the official sites of the Brooklyn Aces and New York Islanders. His first book, The Minds Behind the Games: Interviews With Cult And Classic Video Game Developers was released in April 2018 and is chock full of interviews with legendary developers. His second book in the series, The Minds Behind Adventures Games, was released in December 2019. His third book, The Minds Behind Sports Games, was released in September 2020. His fourth book, The Minds Behind Shooter Games, was released in March 2021. The Minds Behind Sega Genesis Games and The Minds Behind PlayStation Games were released in 2022 and The Minds Behind PlayStation 2 was published in January 2023. Hickey is also a contracted comic book writer, currently penning his original series, "Condrey," as well as "The Job," "Brooklyn Bleeds" "Dem Gulls" and "KROOM" for Legacy Comix, where he serves as founder, owner and Editor-in-Chief. Hickey Jr. is also a voice actor, having starred in the 2018 indie hit and 2019 Switch, PS4 and Xbox One release, The Padre (also serving as English language Story Editor), from Shotgun With Glitters. The sequel, The Padre: One Shell Straight to Hell was released in February 2021- Hickey also served as a Story Editor and Lead Voiceover performer. He has also done narration and trailers for several other titles including The Kaiju Offensive, Relentless Rex and Roniu’s Tale. Hickey is also the lead voiceover performer on Mega Cat Studios’ upcoming title WrestleQuest, responsible for nearly 90 characters in the game, as well as Skybound's Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood, where he voices both Dracula and Renfield, as well as several other characters. He also stars in Ziggurat Interactive’s World Championship Boxing Manager 2, where he performs the VO of nearly every male character in the game. He also worked on the Atari VCS’s BPM Boy.

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