Ghost #1 Review: Great Idea, Poor Execution

Having the powers of a ghost sounds like a good idea. You can walk through walls, make yourself invisible and even fly. Now take all those characteristics and give them to a superhero demon hunter. You will get “Ghost” by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Chris Sebela.

You’ll also get bored.

Elisa Cameron was turned into Ghost, a demon slayer that is in between this world and the world of dead, after being banished to Hell by a demon. Now, slowly trying to remember past, she is hunting down demons. In particular a demon that possesses a person she may have knew.

The set up has a very interesting idea. This could go into a lot of alleys that could be on the verge of brilliance. It’s a shame that the execution seen in this first issue is so bland. The story is supposed to be like this huge mystery but it fails to create any kind of tension or keep the reader’s interest.

The characters are also boring. They all come off as the most generic twenty-somethings imaginable. There is practically no way to discern which character is which and they are forgettable.

Elisa is just as bland. Her personality is just like any other character who can’t remember who they are. Not to mention her little monologues which are supposed to come off as creating a character who is feeling lost comes off whiny more than anything.

Ryan Sook’s art rounds out the genericness of the comic. It is not terribly interesting to look at, the characters are the basic comic design and the backgrounds don’t stand out. The colors are supposed to give off an ethereal look to the comic, but it only makes it looks dull.

“Ghost” had plenty of promise to be brilliant but instead we get this borefest. You will not be haunted by any ghosts if you pass up this comic.

About Rocco Sansone 875 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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