Review Fix chats with JJ Hendrix of the PriceCharting Marketplace, a site that unlike eBay and Amazon, allows you to sell your old video games from free. And unlike retails the likes of GameStop, the PriceCharting Marketplace will allow you to get fair market value and sometimes more. Discussing the origin of the service and their goals for the new year, Hendricks lets us know exactly why you should sell your old games on there.
For more on PriceCharting Marketplace, click here.
Review Fix: What inspired this service?
JJ Hendricks: I’ve been a seller on eBay since 1999. I got tired of sending them money every month. eBay is also a bit of a pain to use in many ways because it’s made for selling anything. We decided to make a cheaper, easier marketplace focused on video games.
Review Fix: How do you make money doing this?
Hendricks: The marketplace is free and we have no plans to charge sales fees. We make money with some affiliate ads to eBay and Amazon. If we don’t have it available and someone we let people know that eBay and Amazon might. Our costs are really low with all hosting on Google’s Cloud services. So far revenue is more than enough to pay all the bills.
Review Fix: How much time does it take to manage the site?
Hendricks: Managing the site doesn’t take that much time. Maybe an hour a day to answer emails from users and make sure the servers are running just fine. We spent most of our more time developing new features and improving the site and trying to spread the word so more people know about the marketplace.
Review Fix: Considering what you guys do, why do you think people still trade their games into GameStop or sell them on eBay?
Hendricks: Convenience is the main reason for Gamestop. It is easy and fast. But you get the least amount of money. eBay has a big network of people and a brand name. Most people haven’t heard of our marketplace yet. The feedback from people who do try it is great. They really like how easy it is and the savings on fees. We need more people to hear about our free marketplace.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2016?
Hendricks: We want to continue growing every month and adding new features to make the site even easier to use. Things like improving tracking and making shipping easier for sellers. And making it easier for buyers to find what they are looking for.
Review Fix: Bottom line, why should someone use your service?
Hendricks: The PriceCharting Marketplace is free, it takes 30 seconds to make a listing, and every purchase is guaranteed. More people are using the site every day so there are always new listings to buy and new buyers to purchase your games.
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