Review Fix chats with Klei Entertainment Community Manager Corey Rollins who discusses the development process behind the recently released “Don’t Starve: Shipwrecked.â€
Review Fix: How has the “Don’t Starve” community responded to this game in its development process?
Corey Rollins: Excellent! This is actually out 4th successful early-access release. Don’t Starve really wouldn’t be what it is today without our incredible community and their participation in our early-access development.
Review Fix: What does it add to the game’s gameplay formula?
Rollins: The biggest surface level change is obviously BOATS! Being able to travel the waters in Don’t Starve really ads a new level of gameplay to exploration. Various boat styles can be crafted and decked out with different features and useful accessories. You’ll also have to manage your boats durability and general health. Along with a ton of new creature types and biomes, the water itself is alive with life, treasures and dangers. Also, in Shipwrecked you have the ability to be poisoned by various things, so you’ll need to watch out for that!
Review Fix: What else is new or different about it?
Rollins: This is going to seem like a cop out, but all of the new things in Shipwrecked can be found on the player made WIKI. HOWEVER… I highly recommend not looking at it if you’re a player and exploring the game. The newest expansion is absolutely huge compared to Reign of Giants, and exploration / adventure is the best part of Don’t Starve. If you’re okay with spoilers the wiki will shed some light on the absolutely massive amount of content, new playable characters, items, tools, recipes, creatures and surprises added to Don’t Starve through Shipwrecked.
Review Fix: What was it like to work With CAPY?
Rollins: Amazing! It was really fun working side by side with them and a really positive experience. If anyone is interested in getting the full story, we actually just did a twitch stream with them that you can find here where we talk about the whole process and what it was like working with each other via slack and over different time zones! Surprisingly hassle free!
Review Fix: What’s next?
Rollins: In terms of Don’t Starve, Don’t Starve Together (the multiplayer version of Don’t Starve) is the next game that will leave Early-Access. Once that leaves Early-Access we will continue adding new content and updates to it. We have quite a bit planned for that. We’re also working on a PS4 version of that for this year too!
In terms of non-Don’t Starve “what’s next” we’re working on a few things that we hope to announce this year, but nothing to confirm just yet.
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