Eternity #1 Review: Middling

Abram Adams, AKA “Divinity,” thinks that his days as a superhero are over. Of course, that’s never the case as there’s always something new to fight, especially when it hits close to home. Matt Kindt and artists Trevor Hairsine, Ryan Winn and David Baron bring us “Divinity’s” sequel “Eternity” and the first issue, while a strong start, has some downsides.

Abram and Myshka have a child and are living normal lives. That is until an alien race decides to take him after their observer dies. Now they have to find their child before they perform any of their plans on him.

While a quick read, it does have some merit. The story isn’t anything new, but it can be made into something interesting. Taking the child of a superhero is something only done by idiots or someone with some amazing powers. If it’s the former, then this comic will be boring beyond anything. The later, the Kindt need to make him do something super crazy that’ll almost destroy our heroes. Of course, there is always the prospect of the child gaining powers and fighting the parents which, again, done before, can be entertaining if pulled off properly.

The artwork looks like it’s a step down from Valiant’s usual fare. It looks more like a fan trying to imitate Valiant’s style and not Valiant artists. While the character designs are there, they all seem to not move as smoothly as normal. While there are some panels that do look great, what you get is average art all around.

“Eternity #1” has a nice idea that can go either way helped with a decent introduction to the plot. The art may not be as amazing as previous Valiant comics, it’s still decent. With all these factors, this series can either be awesome or a complete train wreck.

About Rocco Sansone 873 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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