4 Tips For Learning Guitar

Learning to play the guitar is not as difficult as it seems. You only need to have a certain mindset and the desire to learn. Regardless of what stage you are at, the following tips will help you to get in the right mind frame and provide a structure to guitar learning. The tips apply to whether you want to play acoustic or electric guitar and no matter if you wish to play jazz, classical or metal music

1.    Learn at your own Pace

Do not rush your lessons. Dedicate yourself to learning one technique at a time. Avoid setting too many goals at the same time because you will end up frustrating yourself. A good teacher will go beyond teaching you the basic chords, strumming patterns, and scales. He or she will also give you valuable feedback and help you correct your mistakes. You can also learn a guitar by yourself. However, you have to practice systematically. Even though you may aim at being able to play your favorite song, the objective is to build technique. Learn what and how to practice, because learning some songs will not develop your skill. Systematic learning involves, for example, setting a time window such as a week to learn about five chords. Then, in the next week practice to change these chords using different combinations. In the following week, you can learn to strum using the chords and combinations you have already mastered. Use such strategies, and you will surprise yourself with how quickly you will learn to play the guitar.

2.    Be Patient

Mastering the art of a guitar will not happen overnight. You have to practice persistence and patience. Even the greatest guitar players were once at the beginner’s stage. You also don’t need to pressure yourself into getting the most expensive guitars but be careful not to get one that is borderline unplayable. If you want to start learning on an electric guitar, then the Epiphone SG 400 might be something you want to consider. Always set realistic goals so you avoid burnout. The more you try to push yourself, the more you increase the chances of frustrating yourself. Commit your lessons for the long haul. Your ability will grow gradually, but with great mastery. Nevertheless, consistent practice does not mean you have to play for several hours a day. About 20 minutes each 4 to 5 days will make you a good player.

3.    Do not quit

If you have not yet achieved your goals, do not stop. Look back at the weeks you already spent practicing and do not allow that effort to go to waste. Every guitarist will at some point hit an obstacle. If you feel like your progress is slow or you get frustrated, take a break, and relax. You can also play something that you like to keep you relaxed. Try to play something new for a week, then come back and give your lessons another try. Such obstacles happen before you reach your next level.

4.    Enjoy

Above all tips, enjoy playing your guitar. Look forward to when you have accomplished every goal. This feeling will motivate you to learn and free up your creativity. You will be able to express yourself on the guitar and doors freely will open with each progress.

For the best online guitar lessons and a one-stop shop for information about guitars, visit Trusty Guitar.

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