When asked for an honest movie review, some people have nothing to say. Even after watching the entire movie! This may be a result of anxiety-related disorders or falling asleep. How then can one remain calm and relaxed while enjoying a movie?
You could try these proven, natural tricks. CBD oil, peppermint tea, bergamot oil, lavender, chamomile and lemon balm tea are all scientifically proven to help calm the body and provide a feeling of relaxation. They also help elevate mood, increase your energy levels, and reduce tension.
These methods can be applied or infused as scents. They have minimal side effects and are available in shops and supermarkets. Below is a detailed guide on each of these natural products that will help you stay calm and alert during the next movie.
Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is one natural and effective way to help you relax and chill. It is extracted from the hemp plant and contains high levels of CBD and low levels of THC. This golden-brown oil has been proven to help reduce stress and alleviate stress.
CBD oil is available in different forms that include tablets, oils, and creams. When ingested, the oils have an ability to act on serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, to improve mood as well as social response. With a cheerful mood, watching a movie will be more fun.
There are people who worry that CBD oil may make them high. However, the amounts of THC in oils are relatively low and will not get you high. Besides, according to Coolthingschicago.com, there are a number of certified CBD oils on the market to choose from.
Peppermint Tea
Another great way to chill is by drinking peppermint tea before watching your next movie. The tea is aromatic and has proved to be a great relaxant.
When stressed out from daily chores, anxious, irritable, and tense, peppermint tea will help your muscles calm down. Not only that, but it does reduce stress and give an overall feeling of calmness.
This aromatic tea, however, beneficial should not be consumed by pregnant women as it can cause a miscarriage. Nevertheless, since it is a natural relaxing remedy, it is suitable for people of all ages.
How to prepare peppermint tea: For desired results, you can use both fresh and dry leaves. For fresh leaves, ensure the leaves are crushed then add them to boiling water. Simmer for two minutes then strain before consumption.
Alternatively, pour one teaspoonful of dry peppermint leaves in eight ounces of boiling water. Let it steep for four minutes before drinking.
It is important to learn you can take peppermint tea on a daily basis or on intervals. Either way, this natural remedy will help relax your muscles as well as reduce your stress levels.
Bergamot Oil
When you ingest bergamot oil or smell it, it helps you calm down. So, it is another great trick to help you chill. This oil contains a distinctive citrus scent that helps reduce tension, anxiety, and stress.
Certain beverages and foods have bergamot oil as one of the ingredients as it helps promote vigor and energy when consumed. This way, you will experience calmness and relief before the start of the movie.
Alternatively, you can opt for aromatherapy treatment. Here, mix any cany oil and the Bergamot one. Use it as massage oil or lotion. Also, you can add the oils to shampoo and facial scrubs for a relieving effect. Additionally, you can use the oils with home-made air fresheners or candles for a therapeutic scent.
Bergamot oil has been proven to stimulate the brain to promote neurotransmitters responsible for calmness, which include dopamine and serotonin. Production of these neurotransmitters leads to cheerfulness and energy as you relax to unwind with a movie.
When considering great natural tricks to help you chill, lavender cannot be left out. According to Naturalfoodseries.com, the scent from the lavender plant or from an air freshener has an automatic relaxing sensation.
To achieve calmness and relaxation, lavender interacts with the GABA transmitter to calm the nervous system and brain. In return, it acts as an anxiolytic to calm your nerves and help you chill. It also helps reduce agitation and restlessness, factors that may ruin your mood when enjoying a movie.
Lavender oil can be used for aromatherapy on its own or can be fused with ylang-ylang oils and lemon. The aromatherapy will help reduce any signs of emotional and physical stress. Also, it will help lower your blood pressure and rate to enjoy intense calmness. Besides, lavender can be brewed in tea or taken orally as a capsule.
Dosage: For aromatherapy, 30 minutes of the scent therapy is enough when done in a well-ventilated room before watching the movie. Oral supplements dosage is 80-160mg per day. So, Sedate your mind with the effective lavender oils.
Chamomile and Lemon Balm Tea
For centuries, chamomile has been known to have calming effects as well as lemon balm tea. Since they are natural products, they have little to no side effects.
Chamomile tea promotes relaxation by calming frayed nerves. It helps relax muscles, reduces irritability as well as ease jitters. Below is a simple and effective way to prepare your chamomile tea.
How to prepare: Chamomile tea can be made from both dry and fresh leaves. When using dry leaves, use 4tablespoons of the chamomile leaves with eight ounces of clean boiling water. Let it boil for four minutes before consumption. On the other hand, you can add fresh chamomile leaves in boiling water and let it simmer for three minutes then strain it.
Lemon balm tea, conversely, helps calm the body without any side effects of drowsiness. With a blend of lemon and mint flavor, this natural remedy reduces cortisol, a stress hormone, to elevate your mood.
How to prepare: The recipe for making lemon tea is similar to chamomile tea. One spoonful of dried lemon balm leaves should be used with one cup of boiling water. If you are using fresh lemon balm leaves, you require 2spoonfuls of the leaves. Remember to strain the contents before drinking.
Ways to Help You Relax Before Your Next Movie
Of course, you don’t want to miss out on even 1 scene while watching movies. To achieve this high level of relaxation and concentration, you can make use of any of these five natural techniques. They will definitely make your movie more enjoyable!
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