Review Fix chats with singer/songwriter Tatyana Kalko, who discusses her new single, “Cameron.â€
Review Fix: How was 2020 for you musically?
Tatyana Kalko: For the cliched answer, a roller coaster. I didn’t realize how much I needed new life experiences to inspire me creatively, so when everything shut down, my imagination and motivation eventually ceased as well. That was a hard block to get over, because I felt so much pressure to be productive with all the time I had. I’m sure a lot of musicians could relate to that existential despair. For a few months, I was definitely in a dark mental place that took a lot of patience and compassion to move through. Once that healing began, I could write about it in retrospect and use music to process the experience, in a way that’s hopefully relatable to others. Ultimately, 2020 was the year I vowed to stop doubting my path and my abilities, to treat my music as a business, and just offer my unique expression to anyone who needs to hear it.
Review Fix: What have you learned?
Kalko: One thing I started doing to move past my creative block was Morning Pages (as outlined in Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way). It’s really miraculous how the act of putting pen to paper for half an hour and spilling your thoughts out can trigger new ideas and insights and ways of seeing things that simply thinking doesn’t access.
I’ve also learned, in moments of challenges and inner pain, not to look externally for comfort but to ride the wave of emotions by dancing, breathing, writing it out. Throwing a tantrum can be wildly useful as an adult and a musician.
Finally, I’ve learned there’s really never a right time to put out music or start a new project. When you go all in, the pieces start coming together to help you.
Review Fix: What inspired this new single?
Kalko: Cameron is basically the true story of someone I met on the NYC subway last year. He was on his way to rehab and shared his life story with me as we walked from one train to another. It was a really moving experience, not least of all because I couldn’t do much to relieve his suffering. But I ended up writing this song on the way home, as kind of a call to him, and what I would have said given more time.
Review Fix: How is it different from your other tracks?
Kalko: This is the first song I’ve released that’s not about me or my life/love experience. It’s solely an observation piece of a stranger (we later met again “randomly”!) who opened my heart and showed me how one’s presence, let alone a song can have tremendous impact.
Review Fix: What are your goals for it?
Kalko: I’ve already had the song featured on a few playlists and blogs, which is nice. I’m working on a visual accompaniment to the song, something that will resonate and tell the story in a different way.
Review Fix: How would you like it to be remembered?
Kalko: I’d love for it to inspire listeners to talk to strangers more and not be ashamed of their own stories.
Review Fix: What are your goals for 2021?
Kalko: I’m actually doing Jordan Peterson’s Self Authoring Course right now, and it’s really helpful for envisioning my future. In terms of music, I want to have more engagement with my audience through doing interviews like this and podcasts and potentially running a Patreon. Personally, my goals are to stick to a sleep schedule and maximize my time.
Review Fix: What’s next?
Kalko: I’m preparing a follow up EP. It’s more piano driven and soulful than anything I’ve done yet. My intention is to create uplifting, accessible music about my journey through life in spirituality and consciousness, and bring that to the mainstream.
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Kalko: Follow me on Spotify and Bandcamp for new merch and music alerts. https://tatyanakalko.bandcamp.com/merch
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