Review Fix chats with “Ain’t No Grave†writer and creator Nick Alcorn, who lets us know about what inspired the series and what makes it a special one.
Check them out on Kickstarter, Here.
Review Fix: How did you know a career in comics was for you?
Nick Alcorn: I think I always knew as a kid growing up in the 90’s. But the comic burst of 93 really made me believe it was impossible. I focused on my other love of tattooing for 13 years, slowly working on my art with comics in the back of my mind. When covid hit I jumped head first into it and haven’t been able to look back.
Review Fix: Who inspires you creatively?
Alcorn: Life and death more than anything. I collect superhero books, but enjoy reading more grounded stories where the stakes seem more real. I’m constantly imagining situations I’d like to see in books inspired by everyday life turned upside down. If I can make you question your own mortality; I’ve done my job.
Review Fix: What inspired this comic?
Alcorn: This isn’t really a political book, but I would say the political climate of the last few years. Abuse of power by corporations, police and politicians; and how that effects the everyday working class American. Harlan Kentucky, (the setting of the book) experienced this very early on during the union coal wars of the 1930s-1970s. The strong willed people of that area inspired the spirit of the book.
Review Fix: How is it different or special?
Alcorn: This isn’t a happy story, don’t expect anyone to swoop in and save the day. This is how the power structure works in middle America, and addresses the question; “how far are you willing to go in pursuit of liberty?†I think this book forces us to ask questions about ourselves.
Review Fix: Who do you think will dig it the most?
Alcorn: Fans of gritty crime noir books such as Sin City, Scumbag or anyone who loves a good true crime documentary.

Review Fix: How do you want it to be remembered?
Alcorn: As the beginning of a long career in comics. I’d like to look back at this in a few years and remember this as my first step into something much bigger than myself.
Review Fix: Anything else you’d like to add?
Alcorn: The Kickstarter goes live April 1st (no joke!) and I’m running a contest at www.aintnogravecomic.com/where-is-wade where you can enter to be killed in the next issue! Definitely check that out, and remember to follow the campaign on Kickstarter!
Review Fix: What’s next?
Alcorn: Oh man,Issue two is pretty much in the bag. I just inked the cover and am finishing some pages to start adding dialogue. Really looking forward to getting it out, it’s way more brutal than the first issue!

Outside of that I’ve been collaborating with a few artists locally and out of state to premier a series of short stories titled “A History of Deathâ€. It’s basically faces of death in comic form if you’ve ever seen those videos. Real stories of real people who really died in horrific ways. It’s absolutely terrifying and can’t wait to get it out there! First story premiers in issue 3 of Ain’t No Grave.
Where can people find out more?
Follow us on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/aintnogravebook/
Or Instagram @aintnogravecomic for updates
We also have a gnarly website at www.aintnogravecomic.com
You can find out more information about both titles on there.
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