The Butchery Review: Seinfeld-Esque

Being in a relationship is full of many moments. Not all of them are major. In fact, the majority of moments in anyone’s daily life are minor things that people may or may not remember for years to come. “The Butchery” by French artist Bastien Vives takes a slew of these everyday moments and but them into comic book form.

“The  Butchery” is a collection of stories that revolve around couples doing everyday things. Not all of them positive. There’s them just dancing, making love, breaking up, figuring out what they want to do and there’s even one where it’s two soldiers prepping for a jump.

That’s the entire comic. The stories may be simple, but practically all of them will ring true for many people. In a way, these stories do offer some comfort for people because they have these moments of “yeah, I’ve been through that. Glad someone else went through it too.”

Again, only a few are sad. The story about the couple just doing a waltz is cute. That’s another thing some of these stories offer. They’re just cute moments that warms the cockles of the heart.  

The artwork is also simple. Pencil drawings with basic color pencils just to add color. That’s perfectly fine with a comic like this. The artwork doesn’t need to be complicated for simple stories. One criticism some people may have is that there are no panels in the traditional sense. While that may be true, the comic doesn’t need traditional panels. One major example is the story about a couple doing a waltz. It’s drawn in a way that an actual waltz would be like, IE the people are moving around. They don’t stay in one spot. This is clever and artistically brilliant.

“The Butchery” may reek of simplicity, but it’s the type of simplicity that gets people talking. The stories are ones that practically everyone can relate to and have some type of connection to with at that exemplifies the simplicity in the mundane and turns it into art.

About Rocco Sansone 873 Articles
Rocco Sansone is a “man of many interests.” These include anime/manga, video games, tabletop RPGs, YA literature, 19th century literature, the New York Rangers, and history. Among the things and places he would like to see before he dies are Japan, half of Europe, and the New York Rangers win another Stanley Cup.

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