Today we take a look at the very first image comic ever published, Youngblood #1! This issue marks the first full appearance of Youngblood in a story. Brahma, Cougar, Photon, Psi-Fire, Riptide, Sentinel, and an unused character named Sonic previously appeared as Youngblood in a reference entry in Megaton Comics Explosion #1 published in June 1987 by Megaton Comics. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Image Comics so join me as we take a trip down memory lane to where it all began! Enjoy!
Josh got his start in press media that began at (known today as He was an interviewer and contributing writer for over 3 years. He formed in 2018 and for another 4 years, wrote and contributed over 500+ articles, interviews, and reviews. He now spends his time creating content for his youtube channel TheVariantNEWSSOURCE making videos on video games, film, books, and other facets of pop culture. Check out his channel here:
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