Look, I write a lot of words. So let’s not waste more of them here and get right into this week’s rankings!
Honorable Mention: Amale and Sha Samuels. Amale was watching tape of her match last week and when the camera person asked her thoughts on Davenport’s commentary she said she was going to show everyone and stormed off through the offices looking for Davenport. She eventually got to her and got in her face but grit her teeth and held herself back and said she wasn’t going to give Blair satisfaction of getting under her skin. She was going to save that anger for when they meet in the ring. NXT UK’s women’s division has become maybe even more stacked than their tag division was prior to all the movement that division has undergone and Amale has become a big player in it. Sha Samuels makes it for once again being comedy gold. He and Dar sat at a table paying off all their bets from last week’s loss to Mark Coffey. Sha pleaded with the winning gamblers that he has 3 kids and “charity starts at home” as a parade of people cashed in. Dar tried to take a sip from Sha’s flask but it was empty. Dar said they could always make more money and Sha should cheer up but Samuels said he can’t afford to eat, drink, anything. Dar took Sha’s hat off and took what little money was left from under it and Sha ran off screaming as Johnny Saint then came in to try to cash his ticket. It’s an absolute shame we never got any “Bum Ass Baron Corbin”, Sha Samuels and Tony D’Angelo interactions. Maybe throw Grimes in their too. So many missed opportunities. But this was fun for what it was.
5. Wolfgang. He and Ilja Dragunov had a sit-down interview with Andy Shepherd prior to their UK Title match next week. This started off friendly with both men talking about the mutual respect they had for each other. Wolfgang mentioned Ilja beating the unstoppable monster of the brand and that he admired his willingness to accept any challenges, including his own. Dragunov said he thought Wolfgang has been overlooked and underrated by everyone (he clearly hasn’t been reading my Power Rankings) Wolfgang reminded us that he went to the semi-finals of the inagural NXT UK Championship tournament. Dragunov said he’d been hiding in the shadows of Gallus. Wolfie reminded him that he was a champ for 497 days but Ilja said that was as a team. Dragunov talked about having to wrestle hurt as the champion and Wolfgang said he’d take that weight off his shoulders. They had an intense stare down and I am very excited for this match and hope it actually happens. I was partially spoiled on a big development on NXT UK but I’m not sure when it happens and I’m hoping this promo factors in.
4. Josh Morrell. On the heels of his upset win over Primate Morrell came into his match confident he good repeat the feat against “The Bomber” Dave Mastiff. Despite Dave being over 100 lbs heavier than the former Eddie Dennis disciple Morrell more than held his own in the contest. Commentary compared Morrell’s struggles before his last win to those of Mastiff’s partner Jack Starz prior to their teaming and this was nearly a star(z) making performance as Morrell showed every bit of athleticism he has and took Bomber to his limits. Right out of the gates Morrel’s newfound self-assuredness was on display when he arrogantly did a handstand and backed away on his hands to break a headlock. Mastiff caught Morrell trying to attack but Josh backflipped off of Dave’s knees. He also flipped out of an attempted German suplex from Mastiff and landed on his feet. Morrell avoided a falling elbow from Mastiff and hit an impressive standing phoenix splash like move for 2. With Mastiff on the floor Morrell flew out of the ring with a Fosbury flop. Just when it looked like Morrell might get a win Mastiff hit a powerbomb and then a standing Green Bay plunge but Morrell kicked out! Mastiff hit one more standing Green Bay plunge and a back senton for the win. After the match Mastiff didn’t offer Morrell a cut but did offer him a hand and show of respect. I was hoping Morrell would get another upset but I like the story where he was perhaps a bit too cocky after his first win and had to be brought down to earth but he was competitive enough to think he’s still in line for bigger things and a bigger spotlight.
3. Isla Dawn. “The Unholy Enchantress” was back in action this week taking on NXT 2.0’s Fallon Henley. Unlike her boys Briggs and Jensen the UK was less kind to Henley as Dawn beat her with a half nelson slam. This was a mild surprise as 2.0 talent have generally fared well across the pond but a decent showing to open the night and reestablish Dawn in the higher end of the pecking order of the UK’s women’s division.
2. Emilia McKenzie. While Sarray formally challenged Meiko Satomura and got her to accept “The Final Boss'” prized pupil got her pound of flesh by taking out Nina Samuels. Samuels had one nice moment where she pressed Emilia against the ropes and fish-hooked both sides of her mouth and yelled “Smile!” at the camera. In another creative spot McKenzie was seated on the top rope when Samuels tried to kick her but McKenzie leaned back to dodge it and hit Samuels with strikes that sent her crashing down. McKenzie hit a swinging neckbreak for 2. Samuels sent a charging Emilia crashing into the post when she dodged her attack but even a hurt shoulder couldn’t help Nina get a win as McKenzie slapped her, German suplexed her and ran through her with a spear for the win. McKenzie hasn’t said a word about being jealous of the opponents of “The Final Boss” or overlooked by Satomura but yet this story has been told perfectly through little things like subtle facial expressions and Emila’s aggression in this match. I hope the eventual meeting between the 2 lives up to how good this story had been told.
1. Trent Seven. The UK’s Bad Grandpa was back in action in the main event this week taking on “The Thunderstorm” Sam Gradwell. Right off the bat Seven was up to his dirty tricks trying to remove the brace from Gradwell’s knee. Seven peppered Gradwell with chops but just as Gradwell started to fire up Seven kicked him in the gut. “The Thunderstorm” sent Seven over the top rope with a lariat and attacked him with a flying forearm off the apron but tweaked his knee as he landed. Gradwell rolled Seven in but tried to take a second to fix his knee brace outside and that was all the time Trent needed to come flying through the ropes faster than I’ve ever seen Brad Grandpa move with a low-pei suicida. Gradwell was able to recover and hit Trent with a butterfly superplex for 2. Seven tried to leave the match and take the countout loss but Gradwell chased him up the ramp but as he was bringing him back Seven managed to turn the tables and smash Gradwell’s bad knee against the ring steps. Seven followed up in the ring with a Figure 7 but Gradwell was able to grab Seven’ beard and then roll him over. Trent got to the ropes to cause the break. Gradwell was able to nail a running STO but it was only enough for a 2 and he again hurt his knee in the process. Gradwell got him in a fireman’s carry but Trent raked his face, clipped the bum knee and hit a 7 Star Lariat…but only got a 2! Trent grabbed the knee brace and tried another 7 Star Lariat with it but Gradwell ducked and landed a Dirty Dancing-esque ripchord elbow a la Big Swole for another near fall. Gradwell grabbed the brace and Seven pleaded on his knees not to use it. As the ref took the brace Seven kicked Gradwell with a low blow and a final 7 Star Lariat for the win. After the match Seven tried to continue the attack but suddenly his face dropped like he’d seen a ghost (It was seriously one of the best facial expressions I can recall) and Tyler Bate came through the crowd to chase him off. Seven continued to be solidified as an absolute slimeball, Gradwell got to have another valiant performance against one of the founding fathers of the brand and the “Big Strong Boy” got to return to huge cheers from the crowd. Everyone is better off for this having happened.
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