Top Tips for Comic Book Fans

If you thought that comic books were so 2017, then think again! Even though we are now into somewhat sunny Spring, there is no reason why you should leave your favorite comics at the back of your closet. Retro is still very much on trend and cool. So whether you like collecting comics, are trying to make it as a comic book artist, or are just a hardcore comic fan, then you can still get your kicks and get the inspiration that you need to continue your love of comic books this 2018 and beyond. So if you are looking to begin a collection, sell or even just live like your favorite comic book hero then read on.

Beginning and growing a collection

The first step that any comic book fan will take is beginning to establish their comic book collection. Although this is where the majority of your paycheck will now end up going for the foreseeable future, it will be well worth it. Beginning a comic book collection opens a whole range of doors to you as a fan. Not only can you now make sure that you attend the latest conventions, and get used to meeting and dealing with comic books traders, but you should also enjoy the variety and range of people and fellow collectors that you will meet along the way. So, if you are just starting out then make sure that you take your time, read around your interests and be sure to have the money in the bank – just in case you get tempted while you are out and about at a fair!

Fan community

Even if you are a comic book newbie, you will soon find that you are welcomed into an interesting and dynamic community. One where you may even feel inspired to share your own comic book artwork and storyboards too. As a fan, remember that you can always share and post your comments on online forums and take your time reading blogs and articles too. In fact, it should be part of your comic book collecting process too, so relax and enjoy the entire experience, as all too soon will it become a serious part of your life.

Live like your hero

If you live, breathe and read comic books then what better way to enjoy the comic book lifestyle than by living like your favorite hero. You may not be able to save heroines from burning buildings, but you could test your limits by visiting an Escape Room. In Evansville Escape Room you will have to solve a series of puzzles and games before you can escape, meaning that you can hone and test your skills as a future superhero.

If you are a comic book fan, then get prepared as this will soon take over your life! Make sure that you take your time to read around your favorite genre and be sure to start beginning your collection. Embrace and engage with the active fan community. Finally, for the ultimate experience, be sure to test your superhero skills and visit an Escape Room – to see if you could make it as your favorite superhero.

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