Microcosms: Tightrope Review: Hauntingly Inspired

Alternative rock is a dynamic genre. It has a rough aesthetic and while there is a finesse to it, many bands fail to realize how dynamic it can be. This is not the case with Microcosms and they prove it with their newest single. Tightrope is a wild ride full of fantastic sounds and commanding riffs that solidifies the aesthetic of the band. It brings together inspiration from a multitude of genres that sounds rough but distinct. If you liked their last single, don’t miss this one. The inspired sound is not one to be missed.

From the get-go the bass creeps onto the track. It has a show stealing quality as it weaves through the track and pulls it all together. The riffs are electrifying, hitting like static throughout the track with its distorted charm. It all comes together towards the end of the track when the guitar solo shows the muscle. The commanding presence grabs you and takes you on a ride that ramps up into an absolute storm that brings it all down when it’s over. The vocals have a haunting quality that goes hand in hand with their punk inspired quality. It evokes a gothic rock aesthetic, like a turbo Bela Lugosi. It comes together nicely into a rough charm that gives the track an inspired quality.

While the days of high-profile alternative rock may have dwindled, Microcosms proves they can rise above the mold. With an eclectic sound that takes you from haunting to high-octane, the wild ride that is Tightrope is one that deserves a listen. The guitar solo hits it home and the vocals are just as commanding as the music. To the rock fan, this one may even go onto your playlist. It’s a great track and definitely defines their unique rock aesthetic.

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